chapter one

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The cold rain poured on the surface of Ellie's umbrella , she cursed bitterly at the rain for drenching her and her new fenti shoes, this was all her mothers fault she thought, ever since the end of   her last relationship her mother wouldn't let her go one day without the words 'you need to go out more, I'm sure there is a man waiting for you' and she was beginning to get sick of it,
She walked onto the wet pave way until she stopped across tiny café ,the sighn read 'night light' ,she immediately closed her umbrella and walked into the small coffee​ shop, it was quiet, only a few people were here, the smell of caffeine was strong in the air, it didn't bother her she was only here to dry off ,she walked to the ladies room "stupid rain she murmured as she closed the door and began taking off her blouse and setting it under the hand dry she did the same for her shoes ,she took a look at her self in the bathroom mirror her long dark brown hair was drenched in water
'You might think that I'm a fool for falling over you ohh-"she sang as she tied her hair in a bun, "-but baby
Give love a try one more tiii-'
she abruptly stopped her high pitched singing when she opened her eyes to an amused male worker,his green eyes were filled with humor his pink full lips curved to a smirk as he took in her appearance, heat creeped to her cheeks in embarrassing,"I'm sorry to interrupt-" ,"this is the ladies room,what are you doing here?"she asked cutting him off from his previous statement , he dug both hands into his pocket "I'm sorry, were about to close , I wanted to check if anyone was still here.",she eyed him warily and quickly put on my blouse- that was now dry, she grabbed her shoes and hurriedly left the bathroom with him behind her,
"I love that song too" he whispered in her ear while she was about to leave the café , a blush crept to her cheek at the reminder of him seeing her in nothing but her velvet pink brazier,"I'm Brandon, and you are?" "Ellie" she said while shaking the hand he was holding out for her, "well Ellie, I think we should meet up some time, you know.","yeah I think we should ."she said with a grin, he reached into he back pocket for his phone and gave it to her, she quickly put in her phone number before saying bye to the handsome new friend she might have made, thankfully the rain stopped, she thought while beginning her walk home.
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