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This is a short romance novel and I hope you guys can enjoy it. This chapter was edited by Sweet_Lovexx 

My heart started to race when the guy who abducted me last night shoved me forward. My bare feet stumbled against each other, my hands firmly zip tied behind my back. 

The black blindfold around my head was painfully yanked away, pulling a couple of strands of my hair in the process. A loud whimper escaped my lips. I was petrified. Never in a million years did I expect this to happen to me. 

I tilted my face down towards the golden tiled floor to prevent the burning light from entering my eyes.

"YOU'RE LATE..." One man in shiny black shoes barked at my kidnapper. I took in all the details with stunned numbness. "Take 'em to the main hall. The bidding starts in 10 seconds."

Without any hesitation or delay the man grabbed my elbow with full force, digging his ragged finger nails into my skin. He pulled me towards –what I presume- was the main hall. Tears escaped my eyes uncontrollable when the horrific reality finally caught up to me.

I was abducted by a human trafficker.

When we finally reached the main hall, my kidnapper shoved me in the line with the other girls. Although everyone in the line had different ethnicity, height, size and features, there was one thing we all had in common; we all were terrified of what was about to be done to us. 

I honestly didn't have the courage to glance upwards. Didn't have the nerve to look the voices coming from the front of the room. Luxurious designer sofa sets were sprawled around in a semicircle, which were currently holding residence to six well suited men. 

Two extra men were right behind each of them, standing upright in full alert. Each had holster attached to their belts.

I gulped loudly at the sight of so many guns.

My breath hitched when my gaze landed on the most beautiful man. Icy blue eyes that could penetrate one's soul. Disappointment filled me to think a man like him would be here. The world was a deceitful place and it only revealed how naive I was. How protected many of us were.

He sat on the far left of the semicircle looking uncomfortable. His eyes roamed around the room with a permanent scowl on his face, indicating he found whatever he was looking at, distasteful. 

He had faint stubble around his chin, jaws and upper lips. A faint jagged scar stretched across his left cheek, shiny dark brown hair perfectly combed back, gave everyone a clear view of his sharp features. 

He looked too young, around his mid-twenties, while all the other 'clients' looked old and experienced. They were gawking at us like prey.

A disgusting shiver ran down my spine. The hunger and lust in their eyes made me sick to my stomach, forcing me to drop my gaze back to the patterned tiled floor. I pursed my lips together to prevent myself from throwing up. Frantic waves of emotions stabbed me repeatedly in my heart.

"We better check these out." One of the six men stood up and made his way towards the middle of the line. "I really like this one." He whispered in a voice dripping with pure lust making all of us whimper in fear.

What did I do wrong to end up here?

They talked among themselves, sealing the deal on $500,000. The girl kicked and screamed until her lungs gave out. She begged for someone to save her but I guess even the devil weren't even on our side today. 

I desperately wanted to wipe away the tears that kept rolling down my cheek but my hands were tightly secured behind my back. Instead, I whipped my cheeks with my shoulders that somehow still held onto the worn-out baby blue dress I decided to wear yesterday for College.

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