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The lovely Sweet_Lovexx edited this. Thank you babe xo

You know when you realise that you're about die and your life flashes before your eyes. Your loved ones, the good times and regrets.

My biggest regret in my life was not telling Xavier how I had fallen in love with him. The man who had to put on a cold-hearted mask on to fix his father's mistakes, the man who'd do anything to protect his loved ones, the man who saved me from dragons' den.

"XAVIER." I screeched out his name one last time with all the emotions and power I had left within, hoping he'd hear me and know that he didn't have to just protect me until I met the right person, he was the right person.

My soul mate.

My attacker's dark silhouette appeared in front of me, he approached me with two hands by his side like a predator hunting for its prey. Tears kept streaming down my face as I frantically looked around for something to throw at him.

 Anything that'll distract and I'd be able to make it to the door, which was on the other end of the room now. He lunged towards me with full power. I hid my face with my arm as an ear-piercing scream escaped my lips again.

Suddenly the door burst open breaking the hinges from its place as Xavier's silhouette appears with his men behind him. Relief washed over me as he lunged towards the man in the mask knocking him off his feet.

Both of their bodies crashes on to the ground with Xavier on top, creating a loud thump. They rolled around in the shattered pieces of glasses from the lamp. Suddenly, I felt an arm grasp me as I tried to bury myself into the comforting embrace of Leo. 

My brain couldn't comprehend the words he was saying, the only thing I could concentrate on how cold and murderous Xavier looked when he kept punching the man's face repeatedly.

"WHO SENT YOU?" He grabbed him by his collar with both hands and brought his face closer to his own, lifting his upper body of the ground. Xavier had one of his knee buried deep in his stomach.

" yo.." The man spat out enraging Xavier gauging he smashed his head on the ground making me cringe. Abruptly he stood up, bringing the man up along with him, pulled his gun out and shoved it in his mouth.

A loud whimper escaped my lips at the view of his sadistic nature. I couldn't believe he'd kill someone right in front of me. The contours on Xavier's face changed into something malicious and dangerous when he spoke out through gritted teeth.

"You go tell your boss or anyone else you want, Tell them if... ANYONE," He pushed him against the wall harder. "ANYONE, tries to come ANYWHERE near HER." He pointed towards me with his free hand. "I'd happily kill them." He vowed before pulling away and whacking the back of his gun against the man's head making him spin around and fall on the bed limply.

"I want another room and get a couple of housekeepers to get Anna's stuff in there." He waved his gun around towards his men who stood there still, not at all affected by what just happened. One, on the far end nodded and walked out of the room quickly following his instructions. "I need to know how this happen-"

"XAVIER." I screamed in horror when the limp body of the man moved ever so slowly and pulled his gun out pointing it at Xavier's back. 

My heart stopped at the thought of him dying and my body shot up trying to push him out of the way but to my disappointment, Leo held me back as Xavier's body fell on the floor.

His men simultaneously fired their guns, bullets split the air eliminating the target. Blood splattered all over the headboard of the bed and the wall while a pool of red liquid seeped through the white bed sheet.

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