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Jessica toppled into me, her breath even and steady. I sat silently, tears streaming down my cheeks. She knew what I had done. She knew what I had done and forgave me. She understood.
          I wanted to sob, but I also didn't want to wake her. So I tucked Jessica's dark head into my chest and lay down, sinking into the bed and closing my eyes. Jessica shifted closer to me, but I knew it was only subconscious. She could never love a monster like me.
         As I lay awake, holding the girl I gave everything for, I watched the day everything went wrong play ove in my head.
         The guard angels, with their full golden armor and blank faces, dragged me through the palace by my wings. My wings, in tatters and shreds, hung limply in their grasp, occasionally twitching. I was limping weakly. Blood gushed from multiple wounds all over my body.
         We reached the throne room. The great golden doors boom open, and on a majestic throne made of glass and bronze, sat the great king himself. The King stared down on me, eyes burning with such disgust and hate that I cowered away.
         "Gabriel," he boomed. "You have committed the worst crime against the throne; treason!"
        "No!" I cried. "I could not let her die!" All I could see was her bloody, broken body beneath mine.
        "You know the rules!" The king bellowed, his calm voice thunderous and ragged. I wept silently, my head limp against my chest. I didn't have to look to know that the Prince of Peace was standing at his father's right hand, a cruel mask painting his features. My closest friend.
         "Please," I begged, already knowing the verdict. I had attended enough of these ceremonies to know how they inevitably end. The King ignored me, turning to his Prince.
         "Would you like to do the honors of giving our traitor the farewell he deserves?" He asked his son quietly. The prince just grinned cruelly. He rose a hand and a malicious hatchet appeared. Bile stung my throat.
       "No, please, no, no, please!" I sobbed, feebly trying to pull free of the guards. They forced me to my knees. My heart splintered as my brethren watched coolly and my prince slowly stalked towards me. Our eyes met and I saw pain so raw in his eyes that my heart shattered. And then the pain was replaced with cold cruelty. Only a friend of the prince deserves respect.
        I was trembling so badly when he took his place behind me. I had soiled my pants, too. The guards yanked my wings and spread them as far as they could go. My beautiful wings, which gave me a sense of freedom and power. I screamed in pain as the shards of broken bones brushed against raw muscle.
      "Please, my lord, have mercy!" I wailed, pain and fear and heartache pounding through me like a raw funeral march. The King only nodded as his son raised the hatched high above his head and drove it straight through the junction where my back and wings met.
       I have never felt pain of agonizing. A silent scream tore from my throat as I heard the thud of my wing on the golden floor. I could see the edge of the white-and-gold feathers in the corner of my eye. I vomited all over the floor, the disgusting mix of food and acid mixing with my crimson blood. I didn't even acknowledge the other wing as it was sliced from me. A wail, so edged and agonized and inhuman launched itself from my body.
         "I am so sorry, friend. Please forgive me."

A/N: Well then. That's the end of book one. Next book out tomorrow! Thank you so, so, so much for reading, it almost means more than Gabriel to me! Want to give a shout out to my mom, who has yet to read it!


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