Chapter 1

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nina 's pov ~

'' oh my god, Im gonna be late for school again aunt lisa come on!'' i scream rushing down the stairs. '' listen cant' you drive yourself to school your 17 now'' she says trying to fight me off. yeah well i dont excactly have my car. '' it was um stolen two days ago'' 

she looks at me raising one eye brow. '' oh i see then why did the police call me saying you were speeding so fast it could have killed you hmm?'' she asked me. shit i didnt want her or anyone to find out and i thought i was pretty convincing with the stolen car story. '' that was not me! you know me aunt lisa i never do anything wrong i try so hard in school and i dont smoke or drink! get straight A's so can you really believe that was me'' i said with the angriest expression on my face. 

'' oh yeah nina then who was it driving ?'' she says. i coudn't tell her. but i had to. '' it was 11pm as i walked out of the library headed towards my car when a man with a black hoodie put a gun to my head telling me to drive to the other side of town to rob a bank and be his ride.. i tried yelling for jai inside the library but he couldnt hear me so i was so scared. i begged him no but i felt his hand go tighter on the trigger so i put my foot on the pedal and drove. the police caught up and he told me to drive as fast as i could and i did knowing the outake if i didnt. when the police caught up he jumped out and ran, the police thought it was me'' i told her with a tear running down my face remembering the event. Her face had turned from anger to sympathy. '' hurry up and get in my car ok?'' she says smiling

school was always fun for me as i loved learning english and history. i see my best friends sitting at out usuall lunch table. i head over to them. you have percy, who was from france and had the bluest eyes ever. then melissa, who had been my best friend for 16 years. then there was jai my boyfriend.. we have been friends for ages but he suddenly asked me out 6 months ago and i agreed. then you have amy who was quite strange when it came to eating. and then steph the prettiest girl you would ever meet. '' hey amy you do realise that lunch time is for eating, right'' says steph with a laugh. '' yeah um i know.. im just not hungry thats all'' she says messing the food around with her fork. '' hey you havent been eating anything for 2 weeks whats wrong you know you can tell me right?'' i add. she looks at me with her nose all crinkled up. '' i said im alright thanks i just need to go... bye guys'' she picks up her bag and goes. 

as  A grade history starts I take my seat next to jai who only wanted to take the class to be with me. hes so stupid but i love him. '' hey nina look'' he says. I look at him balancing a pencil on his nose. '' wow'' i say. '' you have beaten gravity'' i add laughing. he laughs as well until the teacher walks in. '' mr lockwood please take the pencil of your nose''

the class goes fast and we find our way out. Don't get me wrong jai is amazingly smart at like everything .. except history.

i see melissa '' hey um can you drop me home? My car was stolen'' i add. '' oh no thats terrible sure'' 

as were driving home talking about a massive party at her house i got a text from jai.

'' hey beautiful.. i need to talk to you NOW - love jai x

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