Meet le Family

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(Y/N) Pov~

Kicking the door and sending it slamming into the wall, I shout "GOOOOOD MOOORNING LAAAA!!!"
"At that volume all of La has woken up." A high yet roughish voice commented as she strode past me from her work station. "Was that Happy for 'Good morning (Y/N)'?"
"Your the linguist you figure it out!" My little sis shouted back grinning. Getting what she needed, Happy wondered her way back to her work station as I strode to a certain Human Calculator.
As usual Sly was typing away. If he wasn't he'd be at his chalk board working an equation or gawking at his Supper Fun Guy action figures. Once I got to his area, I leaned on his white, pristine desk and (for fun) shifted his pencil pot 1.3cm left.
"Put it back (Y/N)," Sylvester said not looking up from his screen once "You know I can't think properly if anything is out of place."
"I will...but only if you tell me how far I moved it."
"1.3 cm or 13mm I'd you want to be precise. Now move it back, I have to work."
"Hah your fun to torture." I grin as I move the pot back and just I was about to leave "(Y/N), disinfectant where you've sat. I don't know where your hands have been."
Sly said grinning evily. "Ugh finnnnneeee. But it's so much effort!" Damn Sly knowing I hate cleaning. Grabbing a tissue, I squirt disinfectant onto it and wipe down the surface. "There. Happy now?" Sully grins. "I take that as a yes."
Screwing up the tissue, I throw it, aiming for the farthest bin/trash can. I get it in.
"SCOOOOORE!!!" A fedora wearing man said emerging from the shadows.
"Sup Toby!" I shout. Wandering over to him I whisper in his ear. "So any luck with you an Grumpy?" What? I ship it.
"No not yet. But I will get her to fall in love with me by the end of this month."
"Ya wanna bet?" I say knowing the answer.
"Hell yeah! What are the odds?"
"If you win, I go up to Walter and Piggy back him for an entire morning without explanation."
"Yeah that sounds good."
"BUT! If I win you have to go up to Cabe when he's sleeping and do a full face of make up AND THEN stand there with a mirror to show him your pièce de résistance." With a few moments of hesitation, Toby shook on it. Still grasping my hand he says "Hey if I die because of your bet I want you to dress up as the grim reaper at my funeral."
"Oh I was planning on that anyway." I smirk, walking away. But as I walk away I wasn't looking where i was going. Bumping into a person I look up so see who it is. And it was none other than super dooper 197 IQ man himself.
"Oh! Good morning (N/N)." He said.
"Good morning Walt Disney."
"I...I don't know. Trying out a new nick name I guess." Blushing and scratching my arm I start t walk away until.
"Hey (N/N)?"
"Uhh...never-never mind..."
"Oh...ok." That was weird. Walt and I have a stranger relationship then we do with the other team mates. He's the only person I still stutter and feel awkward around. And I always have a not in my stomach or I feel like it's s fluttering when I'm around him. It's probably because I can't deduce him like I can with the others.

Genius is in Short Supply (Walter O'Brien x Reader)(Scorpion) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now