chapter two

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mackenzie's pov-
i awoke from the atrocious sound of none other then the alarm on my phone. it continuously rang until i finally decided that, no, i should not get out of bed, f that, but i should instead use one of my lovely pillows to block the noise.

after that failed attempt, my mother came and forced me out of bed. i had no other choice then to begin my daily routine. my phone was still on the nightstand so i picked it up, turned on some tøp, and headed to the bathroom. as i looked down to find my toothbrush, i noticed the exposed razor with dried up blood. shit. i had forgotten to clean that up from last night, luckily, my mom rarely uses my bathroom, considering it's connected to my room.

i simply shoved it aside and continued my morning routine.

~skip the routine cause it's boring af~

i parked in my usual parking space and made my way into the school building. tons of groggy-looking kids kept glaring my way for some apparent reason, one of which i was completely oblivious to. i shrugged it off and finally had made it 'safely' to my locker. only, my locker didn't look as its usual self. instead, it was covered in sticky notes, filled with 'disgusting' words.

"whore. slut. fake. gross. nerdy. unpopular," was what they read. well, most of them. the others were too horrific to even think about. but who could be the 'mastermind' behind this? i'm honestly pretty used to this stuff.

the bell rang, indicating it was time for first period. great. i felt several kicks on my way to class, so i decided to take a little detour to the girls restroom, in hopes of the crowd clearing up a bit before i made my next appearance. when taking a quick glance in the mirror, i noticed a bright note sloppily stuck on my back with some tape. it read 'kick me' on it. how mature. damn. are we like in elementary school or something?

whatever. the next bell rang, meaning class has just started. i had two options: go to class and accept a tardy, or, i could just skip class. i mean, like, who would even realize i was gone. what harm could there be.

i searched both ways of the hall, before exiting the woman's restroom- finally escaping the dirty-smelling fumes. when i had finally made it to the back of the school building, that being my destination all along, i searched through my bag to find a lighter. next, i needed to find a cigarette. after managing to find one, single, unlit cigarette, i harshly fired up the lighter, carefully lighting the rolled up paper. i placed it on my lips and proceeded to drag the smoke that was escaping from my lips.

it was then, that i heard a noise. when i looked up, i noticed the same brown-eyed boy that i had ran into the other day, a.k.a: grayson dolan. his eyes met with mine, immediately sending shivers down my entire body. i shook them off and continued on with my smoking.

by the time that i had glanced up once more, i had noticed him gone. the bell rang, so i puffed my last breath of smoke and put out the cigarette, and made my way back inside. i already had made up a great excuse as to why i had been 'absent.' that reason being that i had terrible cramps and needed to sleep in. it sounded better in my thoughts... i went with it anyways and luckily, they bought it.

as i pushed past lots more students, i decided to just ditch the entire day once and for all.

this kinda sucks.. also, i think i'm gonna start writing short chapters cause ain't nobody got time for that.

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