The Break In

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        A series of bangs emmited from my once silent house. The strange noises snapped me out of my slumber. I threw the covers off and swung my legs to the floor and stood up,the cold floor hurting my toes as I tiptoed to the door.

        I softly put my hand on the bronze knob turning it silently and creaking the door open. I had  only opened it enough so that I could slide by. I then tiptoed into my little brothers room, trying my best not to wake him up, and grabbed his bat from the corner of his small room. I put my hands in front of me having trouble finding the door in the dark. The pads of my fingers finally found the soft wooden paneling of the door and I stepped of creaking it shut.

        Another bang sounded as I crept downstairs. The stairs were carpeted so I was both quieter and my feet weren't so cold. I put the bat up in a defensive position as I, yet again, stepped on the cold marble floor leading to the kitchen.


        I jumped back in fear and turned to make sure that both my sister and my brother were still upstairs which they were. I tiptoed to the kitchen and saw, in the light of the open refrigerator, a tall ominous figure. He had a sandwich wedged in his mouth and a bottle, of what I assumed to be alcohol, in his left hand. I slowly stepped of of the dark corner where I was hiding.

        "What the hell are you doing in my house?!?!?!" I yelled at him. He toke a couple steps closer to me and I stepped back gripping the bat harder.

        "Calm down Monica, I just came to visit" He slurred clearly drunk.

        "I'm not Monica, there is no one named Monica who lives here, please leave" I stated.

        "But Monica....." He started but I cut him off.

        "IM NOT MONICA!! Leave!" I yelled at him. He stayed silent but made no move to leave either. I swung the bat slowly just as a warning but he didn't move.

        I slowly crept to the other side of the kitchen never letting him leave my gaze. I switched the bat to my right hand and used my left hand to grab the house phone on the counter.

        I dialed the police and stared at the tall boy as it rang. he was harmlessly eating the sandwich he had earlier. He has abandoned the, now visible, bottle of Jack Daniels on the island.

" Hello what is your emergency?" A voice sounded over my phone. It sounded female and tired.

" Hello I'm reporting a break in at my house" I said calmly. He turned around to stare at me. no he mouthed at me.

"what is your location?" She asked.

"1314 Bakersville Street" I replied. He started trudging closer

" I will send assistance emmideatly" she said.

"thank you, please hurry " I rushed putting up the bat but he was already to close to me. His face was looking down at mine and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I felt underdressed just wearing a short night dress.

"Step away" I growled my teeth gritting. He did as he was said and I brought the bat up higher.

The kitchen was silent for a while as I waited for the police. He turned to look at me giving me the routinely up to down before smirking and biting his lower lip. I felt the need to cover my body but doing that would mean having to put down the bat so I resisted the instinct. He looked away and snapped his head back.

"Monica?" He whispered deafetedly sitting criss cross on my floor.

"I'm not Monica" I said in a monotone voice.

" oh yeah... Well then what is your name?" He said rubbing his eyes.

" Wredley. And you?"

"Zayn" he said slurring a bit at the very end.

        I was about to ask something else but I heard sirens sounding up my street. It was only seconds after that that I got a knock on my door.

        I backed away from the kitchen counter , using the pads n the heels of my feet to walk because the floor was so cold, to the front door. Zayns eyes followed me as I answered it.

"Hello we received a distress call from this house" said the officer on the other side of my wooden door as soon as I opened it. He was big and burly, kind of like the ones you see in movies of the west nowadays.

" yes sir" I said opening the door wider and then pointing at Zayn.

He walked in past me and removed the hand cuffs from his belt as he walked closer.

" please stand up face the wall and put your hands behind your back" he officer commanded him. Zayn followed orders though never taking his eyes off of me.

The officer snapped on the cold shiny handcuffs and walked Zayn out.

"thank you, officer" I said as I quickly shut the door behind him. Zayn looked back at me once more before the door closed. I locked it and slammed my back on the cold door. I slowly slid down and hugged my knees, palming my face in my hands. My heart was racing thinking of the 'what if's' in this scenario.

it could have been a killer

I could have not woken up

My sister or brother could have come down instead of me

I was so tired I didnt even know I was falling asleep until I saw darkness instead of light.

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