Chapter 11

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We went through the same morning routine. We got into the courtroom and I sat down where I did yesterday. "I want to bring Chris to the stand is that okay?" I looked back at Chris, "If it is with you then it is with me. Just keep your calm." He nodded. The judge asked, "Does the prosecution have anything more before we move to the defense." Mr. Fraiser replied, "We have one more witness your honor. I call Mr. Cerulli to the stand." Chris stood up and walked to the stand and swore to the truth. His part began.

"Mr. Cerulli, will you tell me what happened the day you brought Miss Thorton to the hospital?"

"Of course. I had just gotten home from work when I heard frantic knocks on my door. I opened it to find Miss Thorton standing there. She passed out and I set her down on my couch when I heard someone yell outside. I saw that man," he pointed at my dad, "running down the road with a gun in his hand yelling her name. As soon as he was far enough down the road, I put her in my car and drove her to the hospital."

"What was her condition when she came to you?"

"She had a bloody nose and a busted lip. Bruises were starting to form. The one that was already turning purple was the one around her neck. You could see the finger marks."

"No further questions."

Then the defense attourney took the lead.

"Mr. Cerulli, what is your relationship with Miss Thorton?"

"She is a student of mine. I teach art."

"People have seen you holding her and and putting your arm around her shoulder. Isn't that inappropriate behavior between student and teacher?"

"I do it for support reasons. When I found out what had happened to her she turned to me for support. I have only done so to support her and comfort her after the hell she has been through and has to go over here."

"So do you deny that you and Miss Thorton kissed in your car outside of her home?"

"I do deny such an accusation. It never happened, but what this man did to Miss Thorton did. That is why we are here, and why I am here."

"You know you are under oath, and if you lie it is a felany?"

"I perfectly well know what it would mean to lie on the stand."

"No further questions."

He got down from the stand and went back to his seat. My heart dropped. He just committed a felany. He lied on the stand, but then again he would lose his job and it would ruin his life. Then it was the defense's turn. "I call my client to the stand." My dad walked up there and swore under oath and was seated.

"Mr. Thorton, what do you say about these serious accusations put against you?"

"Well, I think that the teacher has been the one making her make up these lies. He's made her believe that I had done all of this to her."

"What have you done to her then Mr. Thorton?"

"I'll admit. I wasn't the best after my dear Hannah died. She was the love of my life and the mother of my precious child. I started drinking to ease my pain. I might've gotten in a drunken rage and smacked her a few times, but I would always feel guilt afterwards."

"And the rape accusation? What of that?"

"I came home from a bar one night and I remember that she was all over me. She was so horny and because of my impaired judgement, I had consensual sex with her. I would come home or she would come home and she would practically jump on my lap."

"Is that why she had that bruising on her neck?"

"What can I say? She liked to be kinky."

My vision blurred with tears at what he said. You lying, no good, deadbeat, drunk-ass, rapist, abusive bastard.

"No further questions."

Mr. Fraiser stood up and started his cross-examination.

"Mr. Thorton, you say that you smacked her sometimes. Was it always only just a
smack? "

"Sometimes I would kick and punch, but nothing too serious."

"You also said that she was practically jumping onto your lap. Is that correct?"


"Then why would Miss Thorton draw such pictures as the ones she drew?"

My pictures showed once again on the brought in monitor.

"She is a good artist, but those were made after she plotted with this teacher."

Mr. Fraiser looked at the jury and pointed out the dates.

"Do you see the dates on some of these? June 20th, August 21st, September 14th, September 20th, Semptember 30th, all of this year. There are more from earlier dates, quite a few more. Can u explain this?"

"They could have put the dates on their to throw it off."

"But why these dates? When the doctors observed her old and new wounds, they estimated that they were made on or around these dates."

He sat silently on the stand. The judge bellowed, "Answer Mr. Thorton."

"She must have met him before. He must've been the one to beat her."

Mr. Fraiser explained, "How? You and your daughter never even lived remotely close to Mr. Cerulli until the beginning of the school year in this town."

"Social media is a useful tool these days."

"Your daughter has never touched a phone in her life, or any electronic device for that matter. So how could she have used social media. The school doesn't even have computers for god's sake."

"That wasn't a question."

"How about this Mr. Thorton, why would your daughter even have the slightest idea to plot against you?"

"The teacher manipulated her."

"But why would he manipulate a girl to create accusations about someone he doesn't even know?"

He just sat there staring at Mr. Fraiser.

"No further questions."

The judge stated, "The jury will go over the evidence and make a verdict. You are dismissed, but stay close because you never know how short or long it will take to make a verdict."

I got up and slowly walked into Chris's arms and cried. He put his hand around me and my arm around his shoulder. I could barely walk. We got in his car and I sat there bawling. "He lied on that stand. He made me look like a fucking slutty whore in front of all those people. Saying it was only a few smacks, a little punch, and a little kick. He beat me for fuck's sake." Chris hugged me. "And you'll be put in jail if they find out you lied about out kiss and leave out our relationship status. I know why you did it, but I'm afraid of losing you." He smiled, "Well, technically we aren't official or public, and I think of kisses as a display of affection. He didn't ask if I displayed affection towards you did he?" I started laughing, "You're such a smart ass, and the master of finding loopholes." He sighed, "You know it took every fiber of my being not to beat the living shit out of his ass right?" I sighed, "I know. It was written all over your no-makeuped face." We went and ate and came back to see Fraiser running to our car. "What is it Fraiser?" He breathlessly panted, "The...The verdict. The... jury is...back in."

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