Chapter One

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I can't remember what happened specifically that year when Sam came to rescue me. All I know is that I was seven and was really messed up. Sam told me they did terrible things to me. The area I was in was cold, my whole body felt in excruciating pain. My vision was hazy, the blood everywhere. I couldn't move at all and for a time I thought I had died.

"You must be on your best behavior, Dane." Sam told me in the car, a hand running through his oily black hair. I nodded. Since that incident seven years ago I refused to speak to anyone except Sam, my supervisor.

"Your new family will be the William's. Lucy is your lawyer mother, Aden is your doctor dad, and you have two older sisters, Lily and Mia." Sam said and I gave him a questioning look.

"Sisters?" I asked, never have I been taken into a home with adults who had kids of their own. It was usually barren women hoping for an adopted child.

"Yes, they kind of look like you." He said stiffening a bit. I could tell he automatically felt uneasy about this whole ordeal. Often I would cause mayhem until my 'parents' sent me back frustrated at how disobedient I was. I had a way of thinking back then that if no one else wanted me Sam would be forced to take me in and be my new dad. I mean he did find me seven years ago and I had a certain connection with him I shared with nobody.

"Listen, I know what you're thinking and it aint gonna happen." Sam said and I frowned that he had answered my question before I even asked.

"But, Sam I want you to take me in." I whined looking at him with puppy dog eyes, the kind that swoon anyone else if you weren't Sam.

He sighed taking out a cigarette. I grimaced seeing the death stick placed in his mouth and being lit. The white smoke that emitted from his mouth spreading around the car made me lower my window to get fresh air. I couldn't possibly understand how he could accept that drug into his body. For a time there was silence as he focused on driving and I looked out the window of the passing houses. They all looked so pretty, perfect for the model family, something I shouldn't be a part of.

I already knew that my sense of sanity was broken the very moment I was seven and had the brutal abuse done to me. Innocence was lost and shall never return. For me, a now doomed monster that will never become more human than now, forced to live with a family who didn't deal with the torture I've been through was stupid. Just the thought of thinking I needed people to shower me with fake love and hospitality was enough to make my blood boil.

"Please, Sam you're the only one I can trust." I said and he gave me a serious look that made me shut up.

I felt his hand on my shoulder which made me tense. I hated physical contact, especially with adults. My space seemed to be invaded and the horrors flood back into my brain. He realized his mistake immediately and pulled his hand away. His face was placed in his hand and I knew that meant I was giving him distress again. Out of all his kids he looked after for he considered me the most troublesome. Can't say I blame him, I wouldn't know what to do with me either if the situation was reversed.

"You need to trust other people, not just me. It's for the best." He said giving me my sack that contained all of my personal belongings no one knew about except me. I gave him a sad look.

"I don't want to." I whispered, but he couldn't hear me. After that the car trip became silent with only the sounds of nature and the car engine being our source of entertainment.

My family was strange. That's how I described them the first time my eyes laid on them. First of all William was my mother, Lucy's, maiden name which means she proposed and Aden accepted. It was also strange how they didn't mind the fact that I was a tormented soul who had a twisted mind. To them my broken innocence was not a problem. Then there was my history of arsons, robbing, and attempted murder that went unnoticed. Usually the other families I had would have some distance towards me or treat me like a force to be wrecking with. These people, however, were quite the opposite.

Sam was by my side for support and also to see if the family was fit to take care of me. When the door flew open to have us come face to face with my over excited family he nearly jumped out of his clothes ten feet high into the air. The man and woman already wanted to feed me food so I could grow up and be strong. Lucy was a woman who had long flowing light brown hair and teal eyes. It was obvious she wore the pants in the house. Aden was a man with long straight brown hair tied in a high ponytail and for a second I questioned his sexuality. My sisters were looking at me with hearts in their eyes. Both of my sisters were older than me, but not much.

Lily was the oldest being seventeen. She gave me a warm smile while taking my hand to lead me into the house. I did my best not to snatch my hand away from her. Skin on skin was just disgusting in my eyes. My other older sister who was just one month off actually was Mia. She was my age, fourteen, and was to me the weirdest one in the group. It was eerie how much we looked alike. Lily, Mia, and me have the same sandy brown hair and blue eyes. Lily's hair was longer, but Mia's was barely touching her shoulders, matching mine completely.

I noticed that Mia had a small yellow daisy clip on the side of her head that intrigued me. It seemed to be a part of her, the way it moved up and down, side to side with the way she was feeling was outstanding. She was apparently debating with herself on how to approach me. She would smile like her sister Lily did at me, then frown deeply thinking that was the wrong choice. Next she'd offer me her hand for a handshake and I'd comply, but before I could even refrain myself from touching her icky skin she pulls away embarrassed.

Her blue eyes would show fierceness and confusion at the same time. I concurred that Mia William was a fascinating creature. Her daisy would perk up, or droop depending on her expression or what she was feeling. It was a sight to see. Then when I thought she just would forget about greeting me properly she went ballistic running around the room screaming 'moe' and 'shota'. I gave a horrified look watching her go like a rabbit on speed. Lucy told me this was the normal for Mia and then told the hyper girl to shut up. When Mia refused to do so Lucy pulled out a giant sock and smacked her on the head with it.

"Ow! Mom that hurt like hell!" Mia yelled holding her head and whimpering slightly. Lucy tapped her foot, her patience thinning out. What happened to Mrs. Calm, Cool, and Collected?

"Act like you got some damn sense brat!" Lucy retorted finally blowing a fuse as Aden waved them off as if it was nothing that a mother and daughter had that type of relationship.

I looked at Sam hoping he had seen what I did. He did, but chose to disregard it. Lily was rescuing Mia by taking her place in getting hit, and Lucy who was too caught up in a furious rage couldn't tell the difference between them and continued her punishment. All I could say was what a good big sister Lily was because Mia was already not willing to say thank to her.

"So, Sam how's Dane?" Aden asked showing off a creepy smile that sent chills down my spine. I hid behind Sam afraid of this person.

"He's really good, just shy at times." Sam said half smiling, but I could tell Aden gave him the creeps as well.

"That's good. A shy child would be better than my rowdy ones." Aden said flicking his hair behind his back in a feminine manner.

"What!" Lily and Mia sounded offended, kicking Aden into the wall where it left a crack.

Lily crossed her arms appalled that their dad would say such a thing, even though it was utterly true. Mia did the same although she looked more pissed off than Lily. She suddenly looked at me before throwing her darling sister out of the way and taking my hand. Oddly enough her touch didn't bother me as much as it should. She gave me a huge smile that made my heart flutter. I didn't know why, but Mia was making me feel awkward.

I was so into looking at how cute she was compared to the other girls I've seen that I hadn't paid any attention to the fact that she was dragging me into my room. I felt her throw me on the floor singing happily. Oh, her voice sounded like bells. It absolutely enticed me. I felt like I was having an eargasm.

"Here's your place to sleep. School uniform is in the closet. Oh, and my room is right next to yours." Mia explained counting her fingers to see if she missed anything. The way she did that made her look more appealing to my eyes.

With that she left the room and Sam entered to say goodbye to me. He told me this family might be different from the rest. After that he left me alone in my room to get accustomed. I lay down in my bed which was extra comfortable actually hoping that this family would decide to keep me. It was the first time that I thought that. This family was strange indeed.

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