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A Shortage of Agriculture Teachers in America

Agriculture classes are growing with popularity as an alternative to other science classes. With a growing following and participation in the classes there is a shortage of qualified teachers to teach the courses. The teachers that we had are now retiring, and with that there are not enough college graduates studying Agricultural Education and many who are end up going to different jobs using their degree. This is causing programs to close, due to not having qualified teachers. Due to the massive shortage of agriculture educators we need to find ways to get younger generations and college students interested in becoming agriculture teachers.

In America, we're not only having a shortage of agriculture teachers, we have a shrinking pool of teachers in all fields. But other fields have a safety net, even though less are going to school for education, there are still a larger amount going for core classes, meanwhile agriculture is a department that isn't offered at all schools and is not required as general education or core classes so it has the risk of closing down if an educator is not found to fill the position. College students go for positions that have more stability, for them that means core classes. Leaving agriculture and the arts hanging.

So how do we raise the number of college students becoming agriculture teachers? We must make agricultural education a more stable career. Make it so that programs aren't so apt to shutting down, stability is a huge thing these days. With how much we spend on an education, people go for jobs with a promising outlook and a good pay. Agricultural education has neither at this moment. The job openings are there, there are positions open in most if not all states. Indiana for example has three at the moment based off Purdue University's website for agriculture educators job search.

Over thirty states are suffering from a shortage of agriculture teachers at this moment. According to the National Teach Ag Campaign, "During the 2014-2015 academic school year, there was a deficit of more than 400 agriculture teachers." These spots are either not getting filled causing the programs to shut down, or the places are filled by under-qualified teachers, which is a disadvantage for the students because they're not receiving the proper education that would be given by an agricultural education major.

Last year when I checked for teaching positions in Indiana online there were over fifteen openings in the state. Now we've dwindled down to three positions open. One at least has been up since the last time I checked. It's a college position requiring a Masters in Animal Science or equivalent, with a PhD preferred. The job is available at Huntington University in Huntington, Indiana. The position is an assistant professor in agriculture, pay is not stated.

The Teach Ag. Campaign helps inform students about the career in agricultural education. It advertises the positive aspects of becoming an agriculture educator. They have started a National Teach Ag Day held on September 22. This is a day where agriculture teachers get to tell their side and their story. How they love their jobs and how they got to become an agriculture teacher. They tell about college and the career. What makes it special, what makes it important, what makes it a necessity.

Agricultural colleges, I'll use Purdue University again as an example will have a day each year where they advocate for agricultural education. Students from high schools will load up on a bus and head to the university to hear professors and other advocators, pushing students to think about entering the career. It has sparked more interest towards the career.

Students involved in FFA (Future Farmers of America) do seem to be more interested in agricultural education. If a student has a good relationship with an agriculture teacher or agriculture advisor, they are more likely to be influenced towards agricultural education. Therefore, it's extremely important for current agriculture teachers to leave a good imprint on the students. If the teacher gives the students a good experience and sets a good example it can let the students know how enjoyable and how satisfying the job can be. This can entice the kids into looking further into the career.

A Shortage of Agriculture Teachers In AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now