Chapter 2

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The first beams of sunlight poke their heads out over a mountain east of where we are just as we reached what must be Pans camp. The camp was positioned in a clearing with 10 smaller sized tree houses sitting high up in the trees, and a clearly larger tree house stretching between 3 trees sitting positioned in the middle, I roll my eyes after noticing the size difference, someone clearly thinks they're special I think to myself. There's a camp fire laying dead in the middle of the clearing with logs placed around it which must be sat on, there are also dirt paths worn away by constant use that lead from the fire pit to each tree house.

We all trickle into the camp, the boys woop and holler at there arrival home, with me on the other hand finding it hard to keep my eyes open, exhaustion filling me. I drag my feet as I walk finally giving up on fighting back while the boys drag me to the foot of the largest tree house, "up!" One of them instruct me pushing me towards the ladder "what if I don't wanna" I spit crossing my arms over my chest glaring at him, daring him to say differently, he narrows his eyes on me "pans right, you need to watch your tongue" he spits back at me raising his hand causing me to flinch but his arm is swiftly caught by another hand and the blow I was expecting is stopped mid air I look up and find another boy has stopped him "I wouldn't bid that wise Devin, you know what pan said" the other boy speaks lowly before pushing Devin back. This boy had dirty blonde hair that hid underneath a cape and a scare that stretched from his lip up the side of his face, he stared at me for a moment as if assessing what to do next, I yawned staring back at him boredly "you going to go up or will I have to make you" he asks in a reasonably polite manner I huff and turn my back on him reaching for a run on the ladder and start to climb. I feel the ladder sway a little and look down to see scare face following me up cautiously, I don't know his name so I thought for now scare face was suitable. As I reach the top I look around and realise how far up this tree house is, and the view is absolutely gorgeous, the morning sunrise is slowly stretching it's self around the island creating spurts of brilliant colour to form, I sit gawking for a moment before a little more annoyed scare face tells me to get off the ladder, I pull myself up onto the decking and stand waiting for scare face, as I see his head come up I get a serious urge to push him but stop myself knowing it probably isn't the brightest idea and so I turn and walk towards the door, my body aching slightly for some reason.

I push the door open to reveal a gorgeously furnished house with everything matching colours and wooden to give it a woodsy feel and it looked amazing, I take it upon myself to explore not bothering to wait for scare face and make my way around looking at everything, I stumble into the kitchen and find Pan holding a cup of coffee reading a book, of course the big tree house is his, I roll my eyes in his direction. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to find scare face entering the room, "good thank you felix, your fine to go now" I hear Pan say not even bothering to lift his gaze, scare face, I mean felix nods and exits the room leaving me awkwardly standing as Pan continues with his book, I begin to tap my foot slightly annoyed at his rudeness, however he still doesn't acknowledge me this earns him a growl from me and he looks up with a smirk, I hate that smirk, "your quite the fiesty little one aren't you" he chuckles closing his book, I glare at him "your quite the fiesty little one aren't you" I mimic back before turning to walk away, but in a flash he has me pinned against the wall with both arms placed on each side of my head I roll my eyes and he stares at me for a moment causing me to stare back challengingly, he smirks at this "piss off" I say pushing his arm only for him to pull me back and be held in place I growl at him threateningly not liking him trying to over power me "ah you've got quite the temper on you pup haven't you" I frown at him "I'm not a pup" I spit "watch the way you talk to me love, I'm not just the boss of this place, I'm more like the King, and I don't like being disrespected" he finishes, his eyes search mine waiting for a reply "your not a King" I spit "you look more like a dirty unloved stable boy" I say venom laced in my voice, trying to hit a nerve, this causes his eyes to darken and his smile grows into a wicked grin "your right about one thing there pup" he spits back at me pushing himself against me causing my body to stiffen "I am unloved and would you like to know why" he says tracing my jaw line with his finger "because I have no heart" he chuckles darkly "which means that I have no feelings of love what's so ever which makes killing people quite easy" saying this he pushes himself off and smirks at my widened eyes "follow me" he commands but I stand my ground, he turns and sees this and let's out an exaggerated sigh "couldn't you listen for once, it'd help you out a bit more, you know, maybe if you had of listened rather then be such a stubborn little girl all the time your family wouldn't be so ashamed of you" this hit me where it hurt I felt my heart ache for a moment and the pain must have shown in my expression because pans smirk dropped and I saw pity cross  his features briefly before he quickly covers it up, as do I "now come on" he says less forcefully this time and I follow him up a set of stairs to a door.

He swings the door open, the hinges creaking slightly with the movement, a beautiful bedroom coming into view, it has a huge king sized bed positioned in the middle with shelves filled with dusty books taking up a whole wall, the floor is timber with a big fur mat taking up a lot of the space, I step inside the room after pan and notice a big window that opens up onto a balcony and a desk sitting on the wall near the book shelf, there are little jars filled with fireflies resting in little shelves that have been carved into the tree trunk that erupts through the floor and up through the roof in the middle of the room and a few lanterns hanging around. I stand with my mouth open admiring the room and start to walk around taking it all in and find its got a little bathroom connected to it, I smile and this cause pan to chuckle I turn to him and watch him closely, he stares back curiously "welcome to my room" he says taking his shirt off and throwing it onto the bed, leaving his chest bare, I can't help but lower my eyes looking at his toned stomach packed full of muscle along with his chest. I don't notice how long I was admiring him until I hear him chuckle "like what you see love" he says seductively with a smirk, I feel my face heat up and silently curse myself before quickly turning away and looking at anything but him, this earns me another chuckle as he goes and places himself on the bed I turn slightly towards him to see him looking me over, and I suddenly feel very uncomfortable and bite my lip nervously looking away again "come here" I hear him instruct I gulp slightly "no" I murmur "now" he says forcefully and I huff walking to the end of the bed where he sits, I look him in the eye waiting to hear what he wants "I can't quite figure you out pup" he says again looking me over before searching my eyes "stop calling me pup" I say strongly "I'm not a dog" I say, "uh you may not be a dog love but you sure are something aren't you" he says smirking again "what's that supposed to mean?" I question out narrowing my eyes "nothing" his smirk grows slightly and I roll my eyes, "you've got fire" he states "and a strong mind" I watch him carefully "maybe not the best traits to have around here, could get you in a lot of trouble you know" he says grabbing my hand which I try to pull away but instead he pulls me down and I land on my knees between his legs in front of him, I go to stand but he places his hand on my shoulder keeping me down I growl looking up at him "challenging me won't get you anywhere love, I'm the king and I always get what I want and I always.." he grabs ahold of my face with his other hand and let's go of my shoulder, "win" he finishes turning my head slightly revealing my neck to him..the same way wolves and dogs do to submit to their leaders, this causes me to growl and pull my head out of his grip snapping at him, what has gotten into me? Why am I being so animalistic? I question to myself confused, he chuckles breaking me from my thoughts and I once again glare at him "your going to have to learn your place sooner or later pup, and I'm telling you, it's below me" he then smirks "just like you are now" and I realise I'm still sitting between his legs and quickly stand, I go to walk out the door "stop" I hear pan say threateningly this causes me to stop in my tracks "good girl" he says walking in front of me I look into his eyes and then to his cocky smile and to his chest and almost start gawking again but I catch myself and stop quickly moving my gaze to his eyes, I let out a low growl and push past him to try and open the door, only to find its locked "Pan" I say turning to face him "yes love" he smirks "open this bloody door" I say glaring at him "no can do Luna" he says walking away towards the window I stand wide eyed "how do you know my name?" I squeak out, he turns and laughs "I know everything love" this causes my heart to race, how much does he know? I question mentally, he chuckles again "calm down love" he laughs out "why don't you get some sleep I have some things to do and I'll come check on you later" he says walking to the door and unlocking it, I don't say anything just walk and sit on the bed "good girl" he states with a cockiness to his tone and walks out closing the door, I take this opportunity to run to the window and try to open the sliding doors to find them locked as well, I groan and Pans head ducks into the room "oh yeah don't bother trying to escape love you won't have much of a chance and it will make me mad, and trust me, you don't want that" he smirks before again exiting the room and shortly after I hear the click of the lock, I huff in annoyance before making my way back to the bed and laying on it, and snuggle myself into the covers allowing darkness to consume me. My last thought annoyingly being Pan.

Not edited sorry guys just don't have the time, I will do it as soon as possible really sorry for any mistakes. Hope you like it 😊
Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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