Chapter 13

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We drove off, sitting in silence for the entire ride. I didn't want to make Liam feel so down, especially after we had just had sex. We pulled into my driveway when Liam looked at me and wished me goodluck, sending me off to deal with whatever awaited me behind the front door, knowing my boyfriend's dark demeanor. I slammed the car door and saw Colt watching me from the window, a bottle of booze in his hand.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Who is he?" Colt asked, his eyes heavy and his breath reaking of pot.

"No one,"

"Then why were you out with him all ours of the night, huh?"

"He's just a friend." I stated.

"You little bitch," Colt wailed as he threw a punch, much harder than any other bash from him had ever felt. The atmosphere clouded with Colt's shouts and my cries for help. I've faltered to nothing, I've withered into nothingness in the sense that no one cared. No one tried to save me from the horrible beatings.

"What'd you fuck him too?!" he hollered at me, rage building up. I couldn't tell him the truth, he could kill me with one swing of his fist if he hit me in the right spot.


"You did didn't you? You whore!" He punched my jaw as I fell to the ground and he began to kick my ribcage in. I'd do anything to be back in Liam's strong arms, he could protect me from anything. I need him.

"Stop it please, please baby!" My cries only got softer as he kicked my lungs harder, soon I was unable to hear my own screeches for help, but I could hear my phone ringing faintly. The light from the screen being the only thing I could see in the dark room.

"Stop screaming! The neighbors will hear!" He yelled, trying to kick my teeth in. He picked me up by my throat, holding me up against the cold wall.

"Why'd you do it? I thought you loved me?"

"I do," I managed to choke out, my airways closing up.

"Then why would you fuck someone else, Addsion? Huh? Oh right because you're a whore!" I felt his fist meet my gut with full force.

"Well guess what? Guess what you're gonna do now? Fuck me. Just like you did to him!" Colt began to unzip my dress, letting go of my neck and leaning me over a table. My tears began to burn m eyes, but screaming didn't help it never helped.

Why didn't you stay with Liam?

He ripped off my underwear an forced himself into me as I tried to push him away. This wasn't pleasure like with Liam, it was pain. His grunts and moans disgusted me.

"What's that? You want to give me pleasure? I think so," he said as he pulled out, demanding me to get on my knees. I couldn't feel my legs. I honestly didn't care anymore, about anything. I wanted Liam to come to my rescue, that was the only thing I cared about.

He forced his member into my mouth, making me suck it. His eyes rolled back in euphoria, as I sobbed in distress.

"Oh yeah baby, right there," He moaned as he held onto my head, pulling at my hair every few seconds, ripping some of it out of my scalp. He released into my mouth,

"Swallow it," I did as he said, a salty liquid flowing down my throat and lingering on my lips.

"Are ready for more, baby?" Colt asked, knowing my answer, but not stopping, laying me onto a bed and handcuffing me to the headboard.

"We wouldn't want you getting away, right? Is this what he did to you? Did he make you feel this good?"

"No-he-made me-feel good-this is not-pleasurable." I stuttered, causing Colt to become enraged.

He pulled my dress down my legs, opening up my legs. When he began to force his tongue into my mouth I pushed away, and he made his way to my neck, working his way down, running along my bruised stomach. When he reached my entrance, he let his hot, sour breath linger, before slipping his tongue inside of me. I tried to move away but my shortness of breath from crying stopped me, paralyzing me in a way. His grip was too strong. He flicked his tongue around, causing me to squirm around. My tears entered my mouth as I began to choke on them.

Maybe if he gets up, maybe if I can get out of the handcuffs, I can run away.

While he did what he pleased, I heard a car door slam, and then a knock at the door. Colt stopped what he was doing, and looked out of the window.

"It's Liam,"

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