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••• Ray
The selectors came to my school. They made us stand in lines according to age and gender. As the only fourteen girl year old i stood alone. Some girls were twirling their hair and giggling. "You" A strong sent of cologne made my nose scrunch and i looked up to a scar ridden face. "Name" His voice was scratched, i guess he smoked explaining the overpowering cologne.

"Ray" The strength of my voice surprised me and made me smile, i had come a long way. "Ray what?" He asked.  Was he new? Didn't he know our Community were made up of  lone survivors? I finally found the anger and hurt to look at him in the eye. Blue eyes found mine and the empathy i saw left the words hanging from my parted lips. It wasn't the answer he was waiting for. "Ray Sir!" A whisper of smile etching its way over my parted lips. "Ray you have been chosen for Cadet Training, follow me" with this he turned on his heels and walked off. This was it? My feet stumbled to follow him as he joined the regrouped selectors who held our fate by a leash.

I recognised some familiar faces of some older kids, the classes were small and therefore we had some common classes. They looked excited and were calling out to their other friends. "Ey john, you'll be wiping my buttchecks in the future!" A red head chuckled. I rolled my eyes, the training was supposed to form leadership not big heads.

Not that i know the process, the chosen never come back. They get jobs in the Grand Life in controlling the colonies or the Decision board. Training was to prepare us to join one of these careers but we were pretty much all guaranteed a comfortable future. But why wasn't i celebrating. Probably because i had no one to do so with, i was never a social bee, more about hiding in the beehive. The again the queen bee never comes out of her nest.

"Alright Cadets regroup" the gruff man scratched. A gun prodded my back making me hiss and speed up my pace. I turned at the sound of laughter, mocking blue eyes looked back at me. "Sorry beautiful, must be a little too much on the hard side." He snarled smirking and holding up his gun for a crude ressemblance. My face heated up as i picked up my pace and hoisted my body to the truck platform. My feet caught onto a metallic binding as i tripped and slammed my head into the truck wall. It didn't resonate. Black spots clouded my vision and the metallic taste of blood flooded my
taste buds. I bit my tongue. My feet curled below my body as i lay my head on the wall once again to wait out the blur of my vision.

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