Teiko Days End and A New Beginning

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Third year of the GOM


I heard that Akashi and Murasakibara is having one-on-one as we watch the match.

After the match Akashi became cold, possesive and scary.

As Akashi is commanding us to practive or not it doesn't matter as long as we are winning.

Us Generation of Miracles is competing who would had the highest point that we made in one quarter is the strongest among us.

That day is terrifying.

Next Day

Since Akashi change, the team changes too well except Kuroko and Me.

We will be moving to Miyagi, I only said it to Kuroko.

And Kuroko know that we decided that we will disappear for the championship.

Kuroko said to me he will go to Seirin and I said to Kuroko I will go to Karasuno.

After i watch their teamwork from a volleyball match and i want to be part of that team.

Time Skip where Kuroko and Hinata disappeared

MOMOI'S POV(Oooh i did not expect that coming XD)

The championship is coming and Tetsu-kun and Shou-kun is missing when the championship came they did not appear yet.

"Is everyone is here Satsuki"I snap from my thoughts when I heard Akashi-kun's cold voice.

"No we're missing two Tetsu-kun and Shou-kun, Akashi- kun"I answered.

Time Skip

Graduation Day


I still not have seen Tetsu-kun amd Shou-kun yet..


I've homeschool now and so does Kuroko too is homeschool.

I buy one of the volleyball magazine.

And I saw Kageyama Tobio in the second page and an unfamiliar brunette in the fourth page.

The unfamiliar brunette was the Grand King, Oikawa Tooru, huh.

I want to challenge him in a volleyball match!!

One year later....

Karasuno High


I'm gonna have a new beginning here in Karasuno and I will be the Little Giant in volleyball world.

Time Skip

In the gym

As I was about to go to the volleyball gym I see Kageyama Tobio who was going there too.

"Kageyama your here too!?"I yelled at him and point my finger at him.

"Yeah,I'm joining volleyball club and you what are you doing here I though your joining basketball club?"Kageyama replied.

"But,I though your going to Shiratorizawa?"I questioned him.

"I didn't get accepted there"He answered looking down in shame.

"Hey buddy it's okay we'll beat them in Spring Tournament"I said as i patted him in the shoulder.

Our conversation got interrupted as a black haired third year student.

"Oh are you two here to join volleyball club I'm Sawamura Daichi the captain of the volleyball team glad to have you here"Sawamura-senpai said.

"Hai!"We answered in delight.

"Now the club application is there in that table and gove that to the manager when you finish signing there."He said as he pointed at the black haired girl there.

"Hai!"we answered.

We finish signing the application and give to the manager as she introduce herself and I nods and saw Kageyama stutters to Kiyoko.

And we bow to her and begin to practice and the dean was talking to Sawamura-senpai and Kageyama the ball serve and the ball goes to the dean then I hurriedly go there then I carefully recieve it.

I turn around nervously and look at the dean if he was alright it seems he's alright and had a suprised face and he pointed at me then yelled.

"Oh!! Are from that famous basketball group called the Generation of Miracles,the Legendary Seventh Miracle and the one who bring Teiko Middle School volleyball team to the top in volleyball history!?"

"Oh got busted.....then yes I'am"I bow at him perfect 90 degrees.

Then I looked up to see a shock faces and I turned to the dean he had a shock face too then said.

"I thought Shiratorizawa, Touou, Nekoma, and Rakuzan scouted you?"The Dean questioned me.

"No sir I declined their offer"I answered.

"We're grateful to have you here, then return to practice now."Then dean left with that.

And the others snapped from their shocked face (which I prepared myself for their endless questions) to me suprised then boom me with alot of questions.

After five minutes of calming down

After that they calmed down and continued to practice.

Sawamura-senpai said that we will have 3-on-3 practice match in Friday after school with me, Kageyama and Tanaka-san,

(he introduced himself to us)

and the other team was Tsukishima, Yamaguchi

(were classmates and Tsukishima always said that I'm too short for him to see)

and Sawamura-senpai.

A/N:Kageyama and Hinata is good friends here.And Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Hinata here will be classmates in this fanfic XD

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