Chapter 3

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Russia thanked Canada for the breakfast before walking out into the freezing temperatures of the morning. They exchanged contact info, but he doubted that they'd talk again anytime soon. Deep down, he had the hope that maybe this friend would be in contact with him before the end of this week. He realised that he was happier than he had felt in a long time when he was at Canada's place. He had a warmth stir inside of him. An old feeling long forgotten to him.

The blue sky was clear of clouds, sunlight made the snow hard to look at, too bright. Russia spent the entire time walking home finding details on the ground and in the sky. Vapor trails left from planes in the sky, little indents in the snow from a small animal that had passed through recently. He could only think happy thoughts for a bit because soon, the thought of his house came inside his mind without warning. How dark and lonely it was. He wanted to turn around and run back to Canada. He laughed at himself. He felt strong, but he knew he was weak to the feeling of loneliness. He knew he would collapse as soon as he got to his room. Or at least he felt like it. He made it to his door.

Tears slowly rolling down his, now, rosy cheeks, he opened the door, but he was smiling. His phone had vibrated and the name, Matthieu Williams, had shown upon the screen. A text message. Russia was smiling all throughout the entire walk through his house and to his room. Canada had actually messaged him. The Canadian asked if they could meet up again sometime and he promptly agreed. He sat on his bed. The warm feeling from earlier began to swarm his chest.. 'Maybe I'm getting too attached..' But he enjoyed not being feared. But he also thought if it was too much to feel this way.

Soon though, that smile that shined turned into a frown. It happened so quickly he didn't know what to do. It hit him like a train. Russia laid his head upon his old, pillow, stained from his tears. For hours, he laid there. Staring at the wall. Wishing he could actually fix up his house. He couldn't. He wanted to invite Canada over. Maybe he'd brighten up the place. 'I want him here with me..' The smile of the smaller country bounced around in his head. He wished he could smile like that all the time. The mask was fading. He hated it. After these thoughts, he managed to pick up his phone, all the energy he currently had was being poured into this message. "Would you like to come over?" He turned on his location.
He dropped his phone beside him on the bed. Mentally exhausted. His phone made a noise, signaling that he had been messaged. He lifted up the phone long enough to read the message. "Sure!"

Content, he settled. They hadn't settled on a time the Canadian would come over, but he hoped not today. He sent his address to Canada and laid in bed, falling asleep.

Canada put the address into his phone and looked around the area on the map. He noticed that there was just a small house in the middle of nowhere. He knew he had a hike then. Putting on his favourite red scarf and hat, he went out into the snow. He saw where the bigger nation walked. He stepped in one of the indents, surprised at how much bigger the boot print was. He started his long journey. There were only a few minutes of daylight when he started and once he saw the house, it was dark. Only the moonlight off the snow lit up the night.
Canada was excited, though, he felt bad that Russia lived all by himself in a small house in the middle of nowhere. He knew that Russia didn't feel okay sometimes and he wanted to be there for him. He knocked on the door, gently. He waited for two minutes before trying again and sending a message to Russia.

Russia heard his phone buzz and he sat up, a pounding headache starting. He took his phone off the charger and looked at it. A text from Canada, "I'm here" he read out loud. He panicked. He wasn't ready for Canada to be here, his house was too dim and messy for anyone else to even be in. Regardless, he couldn't let his new friend stand in the cold night. Putting on his slippers and his coat he went to the door. He put on a smile as he opened it. "Hello Russia!" Canada greeted. Russia nodded as a greeting, and invited Canada in. Canada looked around, seeing how dirty the place was. He thought to himself that he'd help Russia fix up a bit.
"How are you tonight?" Canada asked. He looked up. The Russian was smiling but his purple eyes looked tired. Russia shrugged. "Well, I was sleeping.." Russia mumbled quietly to himself as he turned away. He took Canada to the living room and offered to take his jacket. Canada let him. He watched the bigger country hang up his jacket as he sat on the couch. It was slightly uncomfortable to him, but said nothing. He wanted to be able to spend the night and see if Russia was his friend. He also wanted to sleep somewhere else than his own house, and now that he was here, wanted to clean up for Russia a bit.
Russia handed him a remote and motioned towards the small, old TV on the opposite side of the room. "Do you want to watch something?" He asked quietly. Canada took the remote and clicked the power button. The TV flickered on and the sound of static radiated through the room. Canada flicked through a few channels before stopping on an old documentary.

Russia went to the kitchen to see what he could offer the smaller country. He didn't have much but he managed to get an orange and some crackers. He walked back out to see Canada cleaning up a bit.
"Canada, you really don't have to do that."  
"But I wanted to help out." The Canadian protested. "it's the least i can do for my new friend," he said. Russia didn't want to argue.
He lifted his hand to offer the orange he had gotten.
"I found an orange" he said. Canada walked over and took the orange. "Merci!" He said "I'll have it as a snack." He set it down on the coffee table and he sat on the sofa.

It was late now. Canada was tired and Russia had already returned to sleep. Canada cleaned a little more before he got curious about what the rest of the house looked like. He made his way around, making it to the kitchen. It also was dirty, but not as much as the living room. He walked through the kitchen to a garage that had been locked up. There was a washing machine and dryer in that small room though. The ground was covered in dirty clothes. Some even collected dust. He decided to load some in the dryer when something metal hit the ground. It frightened him and he jumped back. After calming down, he decided to take a look. A razor had hit the ground.
"That's strange"  he thought. He put it on top of a self and continued to wash the clothes and the object was quickly forgotten.


Big oof. I've been working on this part for literally a year. Sorry its bad and short. I refuse to edit myself. I gotta study now. I'll try better next time.

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