Chapter 5

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Canada was working to make this place seem more homely. He had bought some plants and curtains to liven it up a bit. He was happy to finally have someone who didn't mistake him for his brother or who just ignored him in general. He smiled and he finished putting away all the food he had bought. Finishing the final touches, he moved into the living room to set up the vases and plants he had bought. Some sunflowers. They weren't too big now, but soon they would be. He took one vase with a note written on it and slowly walked towards the bedroom. His feet softly hitting the floor as quietly as possible. He heard Russia snoring softly. Slowly, he opened up the door and hated the shriek it let out as it was pushed open. He stopped and listened. Russia seemed to still be in a deep sleep. He crept over to the bedside and gently placed the pot of dwarf sunflowers by his nightstand and slowly backed up.  With a sigh of relief, he shut the door, quickly to make the least amount of noise possible. He then made his way to the bathroom. It looked a mess. The mirror was broken. Clothes scattered the floor. He sighed. He glanced at the counter and saw a few red dots and a red tint to the once white countertop. The dark red stood out from the dull backgrounds. He shook it off as some juice or something before trying to wipe it away. 

'That's odd..' he murmured to himself. 'It seems to be dried blood...' as his voice trailed off. "I hope he's alright. I didn't see any bandages on him, nosebleed maybe?" He asked himself. 

He finished cleaning the counter and moved to the clothes. They seemed to be very crusty as if they had been sitting there for a while now. The strong scent of something hung onto these clothes. He finished collecting the fabric and started up the washing machine again. As he loaded up the dishwasher, he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong here. Something made him suspicious about the atmosphere in the house, nor could he figure out if it was a good or bad thing. But there was one thing he couldn't deny. His attachment. He didn't want to always be in Russia's way, but he also didn't want to leave. His parental instincts went off here, like Russia needed to be cared for. But he's an adult. Yet, what Canada has seen has proven Russia needs something but he doesn't know what. Everyone seemed to avoid Russia. Maybe they were drawn to meet as they both didn't have many friends. Canada knew he couldn't leave. 

"Maybe he would let me move in," he asked himself. It was rather lonely at his house, besides the occasional visits from America, but those stays barely lasted. "Besides, I could make some money if I rent it out. It's a win-win, but..." his thoughts trailed off as his cell started ringing. It was obviously his brother, America. He let it ring a few more times before he actually answered. 

"Hello," he answered 

"Yo Canada, dude!" He yelled into the phone. "There's a party at my place tonight if you wanna come!"

Canada sat for a second, thinking. 


"What is it, bro?" The other questioned. 

"Is it alright if Russia comes?"

"No way, that commie bastard isn't allowed here, remember the last time?"

Canada thought about that memory. How Russia somehow managed to get super drunk and almost destroy the whole house. 

"I'm not going," Canada said. 

"Suit yourself, bro. Is it so you can spend more time with Russia," America snickered

Canada sighed.

"Anyway, if you change your mind, it starts at five, my time!"

He hung up and Canada put his phone back into his pocket. He slowly walked over the couch, sitting down and laying back. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He began to think about the first time he noticed Russia's smile fading. How his eyes grew duller every world meeting. How no one would notice that Russia was not acting like himself. He cared deeply for Russia. He watched how the other nations started avoiding him after the incident at America's place. He felt bad for him. Canada remembered the small smile and the smallest twinkle in the bigger nations eyes when he has invited him over to his place. His chest felt weird. A feeling began to stir inside him as he realized he was focused on Russia's eyes for a while. He didn't understand as he felt his heart rate increase. He decided to call France. 

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