Chapter One

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Que the Pink Panther theme song.

I was walking through the streets of New York City on my hind legs. (Who knew I could actually manage that with my wobbly knees?) Making my way to my temporary home, when I heard random screeching from a dark ally.

Cautiously, I poked my nose around the corner to see two people waving their arms around like a bunch of baboons.

It wasn't their usual noodle arms either. It was (que dramatic organ music) a fire arm.

Literally, it was a fake arm that was lit on fire and they were waving it around like barbarians. Haven't you guys evolved at all? You people live like you're in the mid evil ages!

I turned away and continued on my way to my apartment.

Hooves in my pant pockets, I shuffled my way to where my apartment sits. I pulled out my keys carefully out of my pocket.

One thing you should know, mooses don't have fingers. So with lack of fingers, it's difficult to do just about everything. Write, eat (this makes me cry), dig keys out of your pocket, did I mention how difficult it was to eat food?

Ever so carefully, I slid the key between my toes and slid it into the lock and twisted the key until I heard a click.

I took the key out and dropped it into my pocket before proceeding to take both hooves and twisting the knob and pushing open the door.

I turned 90°, bent my knees, put my snout in the air and shuffled inside.

Once I was clear of the doorframe, I returned to my normal standing position and pushed the door closed.

I took of my hat and coat to put them on the hooks on the wall that were next to the door. Ear freedom!

I walked over to the window to gaze at the city below. Streets packed with automobiles and people.

The last year has been eventful.


Thank you for reading the first chapter! It's shorter than what others will be, but its a start.

Thanks for reading!
Makayla Hegg

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