Misery Needs Company

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...I had peered through the keyhole only to find darkness intill I saw ot the shine of the metallic fingers, I tried to pull myself back away from the door but it was too late the metal finger jammed its way through the keyhole and straight into my eye. A chill of fear ran down me as I contemplated weather or not that actually happened, I soon came to the sickening realization that it was and with that thought panicking around in my head I pull away from the metal that was still scratching around in my eye socket only to make it worse.

Freeing my eye I got to my feet and fled in the direction of home, wind gripping my hair as I ran; tears and rain drops falling from tree due to the recent rain mix with my blood riveting down my face and mangled leg,the damage the monster had left me with made me feel weak and tired it was most likely to be from the blood loss.
"I want to lay down and cry I had lost everything, my sister, one of my eyes and what little happyness I had left"
I sobbed to myself.

My depressing state only lasted a few seconds before I heard that noise again the blood curdling cry of the metallic beast, my body was filled with fear and adrenaline as a realized that thing could still be following me, quickly I sped up and bolted narrowly missing the potentially dangerous impact with trees and vines that hung from the trees. From an opening in the tree line I could havr sworn I saw the hill my house was placed on and with that a glimpse of relief filled within me but much like all the other feelings of relief I have had to day in was short lived.

Just when you think you can make it to safety something always happens in my case it was hitting with full force a low hanging tree trunk, my feet came out from under me as my head rebound from the tree trunk to the ground hiting the ground hard. My vision swam and my thoughts were scrambling
"I must hint my head to hard I think my head is bleeding... I can feel it making a puddle below my head... these are the days where I am soo lucky not to be able to feel pain... otherwise I would be screaming right for sure."
I joke but it only sounded sarcastic and  humorless.
"Where did the tree even come from!" one voice growled 
"it moved that not fair"
Another pouted
"now I have lost Angel and that thing as probably eaten her by now"
I added, even the voices in my head sounded weak and emotionally pained.

"I think I will go for... a long sleep now... this is all my fault!... sob... sob... sob"
I cried
"You can't we'll die!!"
A voice cried "Wake up!!!"
The other screamed ferociously in the outskirts of my mind the voices only seemed to fade getting farther and farther away from my consciousness. My vision was slowly slipping into darkness, just before I slipped away I saw a small animal look down over me it was small and black and red, it had large white ears and wore a skull mask. It just stood there and stared into my sole with is red and white eyes
"is it here to take me to hell for not protecting my dear sister?"
"I guess we deserve it"
my voices and I chimed quietly. Then I was consumed by the dark, endless, lonely void and with that I was voided of my emotions and thoughts.

Through The Doorway Book One: Lost Souls Where stories live. Discover now