Chapter 45: Why am I a Prisoner? Part 3

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At the Castle


Liam's POV

I said "I'll take Snow to the infirmary"...and I left with Snow and went to infirmary.

Meanwhile Jazz

Jazz's POV

I gave up... and cried...and Liam came to me and said "Princess you alright?"...and I don't respond...

Meanwhile downstairs

Emma's POV

I said "I'll go upstairs to see what is going on"... and Killian said "I'll come to" and I said "watch the kids Killian"... and I headed upstairs.

Time Skip to Upstairs Drama

3rd Person's POV

So Jazz finally gets out of her prison due to Henry using some magic  garden shears... and Emma yells at Liam "for causing chaos"... and Missy says "Bloody hell and poofs"... and Hope, Faith and Peace said "why did our sister yell Bloody Hell"... and Jazz says" Henry explain to your sisters what Missy meant"...and so Henry did... and Jazz went to see Missy.


In the Infirmary 

Snow's POV

I woke up...and asked "what happened?"... and Liam said "you fell hard while backing away"... and I said "um... okay"... and Liam said "yeah".

Meanwhile Upstairs

Liam's POV

Emma was still yelling at me , so I chocked her... and she stares at me...

Meanwhile Missy

Missy's POV

I'm in the Woods... when I say a dark gray cloud in front of me... and my Mother says "hey Sweetie Pie, you alright"... and I said "no,Mother I'm not"...

Jazz's POV

Missy tells me "she isn't alright"... and I asked "Sweetie Pie what's wrong?"... and she says "Mom you try to commit suicide"  ... and I yelled "no!!!"...

Missy's POV

My Mother yelled "no!!!"... and I nodded my head, and said "don't leave us"... and my Mother says "never"... and I hugged my Mom and said "I love you Mom, you are the best Mom ever"... and she cries... and I smiled... and said "let's check on my Grandma Snow"... and I poof us to her.

Meanwhile at The Castle

In the Infirmary

Liam's POV

I asked Snow "did she need anything?"... and she told me "no thank you Liam"... and I said "well duty calls see you Snow later, and I left.

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