Chapter 40: White Out Part 1

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Christmas Day

December 25th,2032


At Jazz and Liam's house

Jazz's POV

I woke up and said "Merry Christmas Snow, I love you"... and I kissed her forehead... and left, so I could fix my marriage.

Meanwhile at the Castle

Liam's POV

I headed out, since I couldn't sleep.

Meanwhile in the Ocean

3rd Person's POV

So Jazz and Liam are swimming, and while they were swimming they swam into each other .

Jazz's POV

I said "Merry Christmas Liam"... and Liam says "Merry Christmas Jazz"... and I swam away before Liam could ask me questions... and so I went to the Castle first.

Liam's POV

I wanted to stop Jazz and ask her questions, but I stopped myself from doing so... and continued to swim.

Meanwhile at the Castle

In Jazz and Liam's bedroom

Jazz's POV

I grabbed my ring, and then told my other children "I loved them and Merry Christmas ", and kissed their foreheads... and left to go do what I have to do.

Meanwhile Jazz

At Merlin's Tower


Jazz's POV

I said "Merlin, I need your help"... and Merlin asks me "So you want to go back in time?"... and I said "yes... I do", and he tells me "you'll be messing with forces you don't understand". And I said "yeah I know I had this conversation with Emma at one point"... and Merlin says "then don't do it"...and I said "I have to, so please let me"... and tears fell.

Merlin's POV

So Queen Jazz tells me "she has to do it, and please let her do it"... and tears fell... and I said "if you are sure,I'll do it"... and she tells me she's sure...and I said "alright"... and I created a portal for her to time travel in.

Jazz's POV

I said "thank you Master Merlin for everything"... and jumped in.

Time skip to when everyone wakes up


3rd Person's POV

So everyone is awake, and they all expect Jazz ate breakfast... and everyone asked Liam, "where is Jazz?"... and Liam says "I don't know where she went"...and everyone says "alright".

Meanwhile Jazz

In the past- Back to when Jazz's Mother died.

Future Jazz's POV

Looking back at this moment...hurts me the fact I have to relive it hurts...but I actually can make this right... and I go and tell naive me (past Jazz) to go into the light and past Emma says to past Jazz " don't do this"... and watching this whole conversation I think "I should have made my own decision but I was stupid" .

Meanwhile in Present Day

At the Castle

Snow's POV

I was talking with my cousins... until Mariana looks at me and yells "Snow, what is happening?!"... and I asked Mariana ... "What do you mean?"... and Aunt Fernanda and Uncle Liam and Uncle Killian looked over and said "bloody hell"... and my Aunt Emma is like "what's wrong?"... and Merlin show's up unexpectedly and exclaims "it has begun!!!"... and I asked him "what has begun?".

Merlin's POV

So Snow asked me "what has begun?"... and I said "your ceasing to exist"... and everyone stood speechless for a moment... and King Killian, Fernanda and Liam said "bloody hell, Jazz is so fucking stupid and reckless"... and King Liam says "shut the hell up"... and Emma says "here comes trouble"... and Mariana says well Snow, Henry, Hope, Peace and Faith will be gone and we(Katniss, Prim, Liana,Killiana,Pearl,Raven, and I) aren't "what does that say about us and are we next?"... and Liam just walks out, and Pearl says "Mama Mia"... and I said "I'll go and talk to King Liam", and go after him.

Meanwhile in the Past

Jazz's POV(Past Jazz)

I pushed Emma out of the way, and stepped into the light...and I heard a faint voice saying "Sis, No".

Past Emma's POV

I yelled "Sis, No!!!"... and Liam and Killian came out of hiding... and I got up and had tears in my eyes... and I walked towards Jazz, while Killian ,Liam, and my parents followed me.

Jazz's POV(Future)

I said "that's more like it"... and I used my shell necklace to contact Emma...

Present Day

At the Castle

Liam's POV

I walked off... and I think "glad I got my ass out of that chaos because I was about to kill my brothers and Sister Fernanda"... and I just" bang my head against the wall"...

Henry's POV

So Snow, Hope, Peace,Faith and I disappeared.

Merlin's POV

I said "King Liam"... and Liam kept banging his head against the wall"... and I said "that isn't going to help you"... and he asks " oh really what do you suggest?"... and I stated with "you can stay here and do nothing or go after her"...

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