An 'A' class Jerk

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               ♚ Chapter Two

Walk along the side walk, heading to my house I played with the leaves that fell from the trees, my red Vans stepping on the dyed leaves making a crunching noise, it was autumn, and in a few weeks it would be snowing soon.

As I walk along the side I can't help but admire the nature that surrounded me, a breeze brush upon my bare skin and made my hair sweep away from my face.

I walk pass a very familiar park were I saw children's playing and there mother's talk to themselves as their children playing mindlessly

I checked my watch and it was still early so I walked towards the park and sat under the shade of the tree that I keep coming back to when I was still a little girl with my parents with me.

I pulled my iPod out and put the ear buds in turning the volume of 'Superheros' by The Script and humming the song as I closed my eyes.

I was relaxed, with the autumn air blowing gently, making me feel more relaxed. I opened my eyes but felt pain shout out through my face, and fell in the grassy ground groaning in pain

"Holy Shit!" I heard a voice, and foot steps coming towards me

"Are you okay?" it was a male's voice, i sat up holding my face

"Does it look like I'm okay?" i snapped, Rubbing my cheek

"I'm sorry, okay" he said, I removed my hand out of my face to look at the guy that hit me what I assumed was a ball.

"What the hell did I do to deserve this" i mumbled, groaning. I heard a chuckle and snapped my head up, my hole body quickly froze as i was seeing a god in front of my eyes, his shaggy hair was massy, his eyes were hazel light and his lips as plum as pink. Opening my mouth then closing it like a fish out of its bowl, he smirked and kneeled down so we were both in eye level he reach over his tumb touching my cheek, pain shot throuh my body as I hissed, he averted his fingers, giving him a glare

"Your cheeks are swelling up" he muttered

No crap Sherlock

I signed "It's okay, I'll just put some ice in it"

"Again I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there and let me help you it's was my fault that...that happened" he pointing at what I  think is my bruised cheek

"It's fine" I stood up but tumbled over, hitting the ground flat on my butt

"Ow!" I groaned again, a chuckle was heard then it burst out laughing like a loon, I looked up there standing beside the boy was Dylan laughing his ass off like a fucker. I mastered the most menacing glare I could, I don't care if Dylan's a fucken hot guy his an A class jerk.

"Your so helpless" he chuckled "First you got hit with a ball and now your ass got busted!" he burst out laughing throwing his head back.

The guy was just standing there rubbing the back of his neck as Dylan pointed out that I got hit by his ball

"Hey look man I said I was sorry"

Dylan sobered up and looked at him, "Whatever, now scram" he harshly said to the guy

My eyes widen at what Dylan said, shock was clearly painted upon my face

"Look dude I don't what trouble," he raised his hands up "But you were a bit harsh on her."

"I will speak to her with what ever ton--"

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah" I stood up quickly my bottom hurting a little "Who every said that you can talk to me like that?" I crossed my arms around my chest.

He moved closer to me making my bravery vanish while he stood a good head tall then me making me feel like a mouse with his blazing green angry eyes staring at me.

"I did" whispering hushly clinching his jaw

"Hey dude, back off your scaring the girl" the guy that is yet to be named said. Taking hold of Dylan's arm tugging him back

"You back off" Dylan sneered turning around so his back was facing me, I couldn't see his face but I can just pictures him with glaring eyes and a scowl on his face. I didn't know why but I just did taking hold of his arm gently.

"Just go" I told the guy he was a bit hesitate but then he apologize and walked away

"Well that took care of it" he looked at me heaving a smirk

"What the fuc- fudge is wrong with you" he's smirk grew as I try to cover up my mini slip up of the curse word.

He laughed "What?"

"You almost started a pointless fight!" Throwing my hands up in the air

"Oh come on, I can beat that guy's ass in minutes"

"Yeah whatever" picking up my bag and heading down the pathway, "Were you doing?" crunching his eyebrows together

"Home what do you think" rolling my eyes watching his reaction

"Oh...well bye" He waved a bit then walked off, just turning around and walking away

"Bye then"



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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