[1] the cataclysm

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I opened my eyes with the sunlight tickling the sides of my cheeks. Proceeding to the bathroom, I stare back at the reflection of the girl in the mirror and winced – she looked more like a zombie than a living breathing human being. I haven't slept well for months now, undergoing a lot of stress at work and catching on deadlines.

After taking a refreshing shower, I drive to that little office I've been working in for the past four years. I was perturbed at the fact that my ex's album has been released months ago and he's everywhere. Everyone – and I mean everyone loves his music and although I hate to admit it, including me. His songs would be played on the radio from one station to another every five minutes. These records have been selling millions and what utterly distresses me is that I know exactly that the entire record was written for me. Every song I'd hear him play from the living of our little apartment as he hums to a new melody he discovered, lyrics from the pieces of crumpled paper filling up the trash to the brim, when he brings me to a romantic dinner and ends up with him and I cuddling on the couch as he sings them to me – I've heard each and every one of them. Moving on from a break up was what had been making me off, but I gotta suck it up and move on.


I park my car, opening the door swiftly and sprinting in my high heels to avoid tardiness. Just when I needed luck, it came up at the right time as it left me two minutes to spare.

"Where's your design for the new clothe store in New York due three weeks ago?" I look at my boss Amy crossing her legs behind her office table.  She asks me impatiently, extending her palm out. The light tapping of her Prada shoes on the ground almost went in sync with my heart beat as I try to make up an excuse for yet another mishap.

 "Um...I don't have that yet. I'm really sorry," I apologized, my head down. "But I'm done with the other two designs." I try to lighten up her mood.

"Again?" she exclaimed, making sure that simple word would make its way deep down into my soul – and believe me my friend, it did. She narrows her eyes into slits behind her glasses, that intimidating look that told you you're in big trouble.

I nod timidly as she shakes her head disappointingly, her fingers on the bridge of her nose. "I really trusted you on this, Miss Elise Burton."

"I know, Ma'am. I'm really, really sorry. Can I extend 'til next Tuesday?" I look up at her saxe blue eyes hopefully, praying silently she would give me another chance. "There are just so many deadlines to catch up to."

"Elise, this was your third chance and I already warned you before. I really hate to break it to you, but I've been thinking about this for days..."

"What is it, Ma'am?" I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a few seconds before opening them, wishing the worst doesn't happen.

"I have to fire you."

 "What?" I exclaimed politely as I possibly could despite the burning sensation at the back of my throat and the avoidance of crying. I had to be professional and tough. "But this is the only one I haven't passed."

"I know, Miss Burton. But your previous designs seemed so...rushed and they look like they haven't been thought of well enough." She shakes her head sympathetically and sighs in an exaggerated manner. "The clients decline them and I have to ask the other designers to change them."

"Why did you just tell me this now?" I couldn't believe this. Why wouldn't she warn me with something as major as this? She was to supposed to be my boss and notify when things get out of hand.

"I have been, but I don't think you listen. It appears like something or someone has been bothering you a lot," she explains as I nod in understanding. Obviously, a certain someone really has been unintentionally been troubling me. A lot.

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