[25] step one

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e l i s e

"Lis, darling," Kelly called out to me in a horrible British accent as she entered our apartment. "I'm back from work."

"Cool, lemme just finish cleaning up my room first," I announced before gathering some of the unused items I found under my bed in a box. I figured I could donate these things to the orphanage I currently worked in part-time.

I surfaced from my bedroom and walked in on my best friend skimming through our mail on the kitchen counter, which was technically part of the living room as well.

She slid one envelope towards me and I picked it up before turning it over. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw the name of an interior designing company was carelessly scribbled down on the returning address. "What the heck does interior designing have to do with me?"

As soon as I uttered those words, Kelly shot her head towards the packet I held in my hand and grabbed the item from me. Quickly opening it, she pulled out a neatly folded stationery and read over the letter addressed to me. A big grin formed on her face and looked at me disbelief, "You used to work here, Lis. Right before your accident, I heard your boss fired you for reasons I do not know and now she wants you back in the company!"

"What?" I mirrored her expression and hastily tugged the paper from her and read the information. It turned out as a brief message saying Amy Seffer, my boss, wanted me to be a part of the company once again and if ever I considered her offer, I had to meet her in her office tomorrow morning at eight o' clock. "You have got to be kidding me."

"What's up?" Kelly asked with utmost concert.

"I can't go tomorrow, Bruno's taking me out somewhere for V Day," I answered dryly, frowning and second guessing whether I wanted the job or not. "I have to reschedule."

"It's a tad bit unfair that she's skipping a few minutes of her Valentine's Day celebration with her husband just so she could talk to you, don't you think?" she said matter-of-factly and I sighed in realization. "C'mon, just tell Bruno you can celebrate it after the meeting. He'll understand."


I woke up, ready than ever to face the day. As much as I'm eager to spend this day with my boyfriend, the thought of being accepted in the job where I do what I'm passionate about made me excited further.

After receiving the message old-school style yesterday, I reviewed my notes when it came to designing and evaluated my portfolio. I couldn't help but brag at how good I was in this thing. A phone call cut through my morning stretching and I answered it while doing my breathing exercises.

"Good morning, beautiful!" I heard Bruno's raspy morning voice from the other side. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, baby," I exhaled, making him laugh at the other side.


"Maybe a little," I chuckled before walking into the bathroom and stripping off of my tank top, booty shorts, and underwear.

"Are you undressing yourself?" he asked creepily, his voice going a little deeper. "I wish I could be there to help you."

"Stop it, you perv," I joked, feeling my face burning, and turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm.

"By the way, good luck in your interview, baby," he said, making my heart melt. "You'll rock it."

"It's not really an interview, just a few proposals," I explained before putting my phone on loud speaker and secured it on the counter where it wouldn't get wet. I stepped under the water and moaned at how good it felt.

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