Chapter 3.

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After the goodbyes with my family and I wasn't quite sure what to do next. "Olive" a young red head nurse called me. I walked over to her. "Here is a list of activities breakfast lunch dinner" she pointed to the times. "Arts and crafts, group and music. Dr. Trifone will give you notice when you have a session alone" she said smiling. I nodded taking the green piece of paper. "You'll start activities tomorrow" she said. Then I walked off, 314 that's my room.

I got there to find Veronica laying on her bed. She quit humming to herself and smiled at me. I made my way to my bed, unpacking my clothes, putting them in drawers. Getting toiletries together, with a picture of my brother & I on my lamp side table. "The food here sucks" Veronica said. "What?" I said turning around. She laughed, nodding her head towards the green paper. "It tastes like shit, but hey it's bunch of crazy people they don't give a fuck about us" she said putting her pencil down from her drawing & sitting up. "Look Ol I'll be your guiding hand around here don't worry" she said giving me a smile. I guess my nerves were more obvious then I thought.

"So what's your story?" She asked as we sat looking at each other. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Your story. Why are you here?" She said listening attentively. "Oh uhm, my mom caught me in one of my suicide attempts. Thought this would be best for me. Since my family is so screwed up" I said. "They seemed normal from what I could see" she said. I shook my head "just on the outside" I said. There was a few seconds of silent. Letting all the words & thoughts sink. "So how'd ya do it?" She asked. "Which time?" I asked laughing. She smiled. "Tell me each" she said. "The first time I ever tried, I tried to slit my wrists open completely but it didn't work. So I just kinda stayed a cutter" I began saying. "I've tried hanging, drowning. I attempted an over dose but that got me locked in here" I said.

I sighed "I was gonna jump off this bridge near my house one night but someone stopped me" I said remembering the night like it was yesterday. "Who was it?" She asked. I shrugged, looking down at my interlocked hands. "I don't know. It was a boy. He never told me his name" I said. "What made him stop you?" She asked. I thought about everything he said to me. There wasn't one thing in particular that talked me down, it was his way of going about it all. And everything he said afterwards. He knew my pain. That stood out most. "I don't know" I responded. "Just something about him a vibe he gave off I won't forget it" I said beginning to smile to myself about that beautiful genuine smile he gave me. "We'll have to go on a hint for this mystery man" she said smiling. "So what about you?" I asked. "What about me?" She asked. "What's your story?" I responded. "Ahh" she said. "Well just like you dear Olive I've tried to take myself off this planet many times. Most times have been interfered. So now I am here. Also I'm not the best eater" she said.

I felt sad. This girl was beautiful, not in the oh my god I could totally switch teams for you. But she just was a beautiful human being. Her looks just appealing to anyone. Her smile was bright, and seemed happy. Her blue eyes lit up her face, she was a sight. How could this girl have any problems with life. "I stumbled into some very bad medicines you could say" she began telling me. "Heroine man, she was my best friend" she said. "But one night too many times in the arm. I ended up in the hospital, my mom said here or jail. And now I'm here" she said. She lifted up the sleeve of her right arm, revealing healed cuts to her wrist, along with track marks from old use. It wasn't pretty, but they were her battle wounds I was in no position to judge. I lifted the right arm sleeve to make her feel less vulnerable. Exposing my healed, healing, and recent cuts.

"You should always cut vertical" I heard someone say. I quickly turned on, pulling my sleeve back down. That beautiful brown haired boy, leaning on the door frame of my room. "Vertical is harder for them to stitch up if you cut deep enough that is" he said as he began making his into our room. He smiled down at me as he sat next to Veronica on her bed. "I see we're having show & tell" he said noticing Veronica's arm shown. She nodded, "getting the details on this nutcase" she said nodding her head towards me.

Harry was cool. Not in the popular form, but the 1950s greaser cool. Giving that look that he was a tough guy, making you shy, or just swoon over him. He was confident. But if he was so confident, why was in my psychiatric ward? All these people confused me. "Well it's dinner time ladies get excited. Chicken noodle and burritos" he mocked. Veronica stood making her way to the door. Harry stayed sitting looking over at me, while I kept my head down looking at my hands. "Hungry" he asked to me. I looked up, to see his green eyes pinned on me. I shrugged "Well you need to eat" he said. "And I know you need to eat" he said nodding to Veronica. She flipped him her middle finger. He chuckled, showing off his precious smile. "Come on liv. You've had a big day" he said standing up waiting for me to rise with him.

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