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When School end Tsuna and Reborn went to Tsuna's house so they can talk with out distraction And Reborn could introduce to his mother

Tsuna- Kaa San tadadaima!

Nana- ara ara Tsu kun welcome back! Ah, who is the handsome guy behind you?

Tsuna- Kaa San!

Reborn- hello, nice to meet you Sawada san, my name is Reborn a senior of Tsuna and his new tutor

Nana- ara such a handsome and respectful young man it's my Tsu kun tutor

So you are the one that Timoteo san told me

Reborn- yes, don't worry I'm going to be with Tsunayoshi and help him

Nana give them an angelic like smile - thanks you Reborn,- she turns to Tsuna- Tsu kun isn't Reborn such a good young man

Tsuna just nod and became bright red

Nana- please take care of my little Tsu kun, Reborn kun

Reborn smile to her and then he look Tsuna

Tsuna- Kaa san we are going to my room

Nana- okey, in a few minutes I'm going to bring you some snacks

In Tsuna's room

Tsuna- we can talk here with out problem

Reborn- okey, well starting today I'm going to be your tutor and something like your bodyguard outside but I'm going to teach you something just in case

Tsuna - okey, thanks - Tsuna give him a bright smile

Reborn keep looking that smile and just coul think- cute - wait what I'm thinking

Reborn- take this

Reborn gave him a cellphone and a strange and little artifact

Tsuna- why?

Reborn- inside its my number, you can send me a message to ask me thinks if you don't understand something and call me if something happen, and the others one keep it white you if something happen press the bottom that it's behind the gem

Tsuna look at it - oh it's true, it looks like a collar

Reborn- well it "look" but it's more than a simple collar

Tsuna- what more can do?

Reborn just smile- it's a secret

Nana came to the room and she gave them a few snacks and sodas, Reborn stay the rest of the day helping Tsuna with his homework till night and Nana make him eat dinner with them

Reborn - wao~ this is delicious Nana san

Nana- ah just call me Mamma Reborn kun

Reborn- okey

Nana- do you want anything? Juice, soda , coffe?

Reborn- a expresso please

Nana- okey~

It was 9:00 after dinner

Reborn- it's night

Tsuna look to the window - oh it's true i dint realize

Reborn- well I'm going now, I'm going to come for you to go to school together

Tsuna blushed a little- okey

Reborn smile and pat his fluffy hair - okey good bye

Tsuna- ah wait

Reborn- what?

Tsuna- where do you live?

Reborn- just two blocks from here

Tsuna- hm okey bye bye good night

Reborn- bye

Tsuna looks Reborn went and smile before he went inside

Nana - ara~ Tsu kun you look happy

Tsuna blush at his mothers says - maybe... Just a little

Nana smile- good for you Tsu kun


Haha bye bye I'm not too god with this kind of things but I hope you like it

Chao Chao ~

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