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After the attack of the men's in black an hour ago they went to the Hibari's house. Tsuna was nervous because of what happen and couldn't concentrate at all, so Fon told him to take a shower to relax at less a little or he could hurt himself while cooking if he keeps acting like that.

Hibari went to his side while looking at his friend go to the bathroom. - hm are you going to call the carnivore?

Fon sight while taking out his cellphone from his pocket - yes, I will. I'm pretty sure that by now Reborn know that Tsunayoshi is in danger and I think that he isnt coming alone.

Hibari raise an eyebrow and look at him kind of interested - more herbivores?

Fon denied it - no, I thinks the ones coming are Carnivores, well if Giotto it's also coming I think you would say that he is an omnivore like Tsunayoshi.

Hibari smile a little and went to who know where leaving Fon alone.

Fon write the number in his cellphone and call him. A few ring later some one answer. - what happen?

. - hahaha I knew that you already have an idea that the situation is bad here

-. Fon, what happen? -. Reborn at the other side was quite angry and serious

. - Some guys in a van try to kidnap Tsunayoshi, don't worry about it Kyoya and me defeat them and they run away, He is okay.

Reborn didn't say a thing for a moment. He knows that something going to happen, but he never expected it to be this soon

-. And how are Kyoya and you?

.- We are fine, I got shot with a weird liquid but until now I haven't had a bad reaction beside the little paralysis I got because of it. But apart from that we are okay.

-. Ha~ sometimes you are way to carefree Fon, but thanks you for being by Tsuna side and protect him I own you a favor

.- I did it because I really like him, he is like a younger brother to me and I wouldn't leave him get hurt I will die before someone could put a finger on him.

-. Thanks you Fon, but I want to tell you something, I'm not alone. Nono, Xanxus and Giotto are also coming with me, we are at Fenichie the Nono's private jet.

.- Okay, We all been waiting, and be careful, they are waiting for us to make a little mistake to take advantage of it.

-. I'm aware of it ...chaos.

The call end and he sight a little, the drug wasn't the strongest he has ever had but it was kind of weird. Most of the times he could tell that if it was dangerous for him or it was just a drug to paralyze his body. But this one isn't like the ones he has before at his jobs as a bodyguard.

. - I should go to see a doctor ones Reborn arrive tomorrow, something is wrong with me... maybe Verde can help me with this, fuu~ but I don't really want to ask him for help, for sure he will ask me something weird in return like in "that" occasion.

. -Fon san! I already took a shower it is your turn! I'm going to make the dinner.

. -Thank you Tsunayoshi.

He stands up but for a moment he saw all kind of blurry and lost his balance falling. The sound got Tsuna's attention, when he saw him on the floor he run and sit beside him.

-. FON! Are you okay? What happen? - he was worried. - Kyoya! Come here now it's an emergency

A few seconds later the black hair teen arrive to the and when he saw his cousin panting he and Tsunayoshi carried Fon and they let him rest on the sofa.

-. What happen?

-. I don't know I was starting the preparations for the dinner and then I heard something fall and when I arrive here he was like this. -

Fon open his eyes and look at both -. Don't worry I'm okay it is just that I was dizzy and lost my balance but I'm okay now so don't make a big deal about it I'm just tired

-. Are you sure Fon san? You look more than tired and you are pallid

-. Yes, I'm sure do not worry and keep doing the dinner, I'll just rest for a while.

Tsuna wasn't sure about it but he did what he was told and went to the kitchen after asking Hibari to look after him

Hibari waited until Tsuna wasn't near anymore and looked at his cousin -. You know that it isn't just that you are tired, you can't fool me Carnivore

Fon just kept silent. He knows that he can't keep much time pass in the state he is right now, he need to see a doctor, but he is also stubborn and wasn't going to let Tsuna and Kyoya alone, he was a Hibari after all and as a good Hibari he won't let anything harm what is precious to him.

Hibari observed his cousin for a while. Then I have just stood up and went to who knows where. He knows what he is thinking, and he will keep an eye on him. He respects that man and his resolution, so he will stand aside and wait.

Finally he took his cellphone again .- I really do not want to do this but I think that is necessary if I want them to be safe. He waited a little until the other person answed.

-. Hello, Sorry if it is so suddenly but I need to ask you for a favor.

-. What do want Fon I am busy.

I knew that he will say that .- thought Fon while shaking his head.

.- Verde I need you to come to my house I got a weird shoot and I don't feel well. It is the first time I don't know if it is dangerous or not and you are the only one who can made something about it.

-. Okay, I will go but you owe me something hahaha I think that you can be the one who's going to prove "that" thing

-. ha~ whatever, just hurry up I need the cure as fast as you can do it because we are emmm in danger? well someone want our head and they want to kidnap Tsunayoshi.

-. I will arrive tomorrow morning. - Verde hung up. 

Fon looked at the cellphone in his hand and just sigh. -.Sometimes I think that he accept because he want us to be in debt with him so he can play with us as we were his lab rats.

-. Fon! I finished please can you call Kyoya I will serve the food .- Said Tsuna from the kitchen 

-. Okay Tsunayoshi I call him.


Well it has been a while since the last time I update sorry. I need to be sincere I have updated my other stories but not this one. I writed most of this chapter to while ago but I didnt think that it was good so I rewritted a lot of times.

At less I want to update before classes start again.I haven't practice my english since I was in High School? so sorry if I made so many mistakes while writing this chapter. 

Chao Chao ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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