Club Chaos

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Everything went black for kermit in the next few seconds.All he remembered was Sehun's screams and his dear Luhan smiling while holding a half broken wine bottle."Luhan,my love,how could you"Kermit mumbled before passing out.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO,LUHAN?!"Sehun yelled at Luhan who was still mentally celebrating his first attempted murder."ANSWER ME,LUHAN!""WELL WTF DID YOU THINK I WOULD DO??LET THIS FUCKING HYBRID KILL YOU??!!"Lu shouted back at him.Blood was still gushing out of kermit's head while the two argued.Sehun noticed kermit's critical condition."I'll deal with you later,you bloody bitch"Sehun cursed at him and called Baekhyun who happens to be his bff.

"I-I can't believe this.."Luhan stuttered while backing away from sehun,"I-I-I saved you f-f-fr-from him but you,Oh Se Hun,y-y-you are blaming me??"pain and heartbreak reflected in his expression."Don't you dare to run away, Luhan ..DON'T YOU DARE!!"Sehun warned him but he didn't pay heed to his words and ran away sobbing.Every word was like a needle pushed into his heart.He has dedicated his whole life to Sehun.How could he turn against him like this?That too,just for a mere talking frog??

Meanwhile,Baekhyun was happily skipping around the club while looking for kermit.His ultimate goal was to propose kermit after work but he couldn't find him anywhere.All on a sudden,he heard Sehun shout his name so he decided to go check on him first."Hey,hunnie~what's u-"Baekhyun stopped what he was saying and let out a blood curling scream as soon as he saw kermit's unconscious body."WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM?WHO DID THIS?"Baekhyun asked,terror evident in his voice."There's no time to explain,go call the cops and tell them to look for luhan.I will take him to the nearest hospital"Sehun said breathlessly and bent down to pick kermit.

Baek went away to do what he was told while crying his heart out.However,in the midst of all this shit,Sehun completely forgot that he couldn't handle seeing and smelling blood.So,he also passed out before he could even take kermit in to his embrace.Luckily,two strippers were passing by and noticed those unconscious two.Seeing so much blood,they were indeed scared but they took them to the hospital.Clients first you know.

The whole commotion didn't go unnoticed by the drunken dudes and naked girls outside the dressing room as well.Even among the high music and fucked up minds,they understood that something was wrong.But,they's not like they are going to budge anyway.That is,until the cops arrived.

Bakehyun led the inspector to the crime scene and spilled out everything he knew."So,you are saying your friend,Sehun told you nothing but to look for a guy named Luhan?"the inspector asked."Yes,sir"he answered,trying to hold his tears back."Who is Luhan?You must know him since he was acquinted with your friend."
"I don't know him specifically.Maybe I saw him once or twice but that's it."
"Where is the victim?I need to talk to him"
"Sehun took him to the hospital,he was badly injured"
Baekhyun again broke down into tears.The inspector tried to calm him down and asked one last question,"Who's the owner of this club?If we have to find him,we need to talk to the owner to get as much information as possible,please,co-operate with us"the inspector said to the mentally shattered Baekhyun."Jun Myeon,Kim Jun Myeon.He lives in the next neighbourhood...I don't know the exact location but he's easy to find,he lives in a palace like house and there is only one house like that there."The inspector and Baekhyun left to meet kermit and Sehun while the rest of the cops interrogated the rest of the club bout Luhan and the whole situation.

In the hospital
Kermit was rushed to the operation theater as soon as they reached there.Sehun was taken to a separate room for check up since his case wasn't anything severe.The two fellow strippers became tensed.They didn't know anything about the whole ruckus.They were about to contact Baekhyun when fortunately,they saw him coming their way with an inspector right behind him."Kermit....where is kermit??How is he??Is the doctor out??"He asked the girls,gasping like a fish out of water."We don't know anything..w-we saw Sehun and a frog unconscious in his dressing room so we rushed them here.W-w-we sincerely have no idea"they answered.Baekhyun sighed and said,"Nevermind,thanks for helping." "Wait,you girls are from the club,too,right?Do you know Luhan?He is the guilty one for now"the inspector asked them."I did hear his name but I think he rarely comes,never saw him.Boss never fired him tho',he's quite popular"one of them answered."Fine then,you two may go."

The doctor finally came out of the O.T but didn't bring good news."He has lost a lot of blood.Currently he is in comatose state.We will shift him to the I.C.U for now and keep him under observation.If you are his guardian,then please go and fill up the form"
the doctor informed the duo,"And the other young man is in room-1004 under the nurses' care,but he is unconscious."


My Love From The Strip Club (HunHanBaek x kermit the frog)Where stories live. Discover now