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Riley's pov

"Maya you better be on your way to school!" Riley whisper yelled through the phone. She sat in the back of her last period math class, narrowly trying to not get caught on her phone. "I'm serious, Maya! If we don't show up for tutoring today my dad is going to kill us! And I knew you were only skipping school today so you could miss tutoring!" It was three times she had attempted to call her best friend and 3 times she had gotten voice mail. Just suddenly she heard the sharp snap of a ruler hitting the desk. A method mrs. Anderson loves using to get kids attention "Mrs. Matthews, is that a phone I see?" The whole class turned and stared as Riley gulped "no?" She said weakly, smiling a she sheepish smile. Mrs. Anderson held out her hand and Riley reluctantly gave her the phone. Right after she said down in her seat, heard the loud obnoxious bell. Riley sighed and started to walk out of the room. What a bad day this was shaping out to be? Only she had no idea.

Maya's pov.

Maya sat up In bed to the sound of her mother screaming "SWEETIE DONT YOU HAVE TUTORING TODAY?!" She checked her phone. 3 missed called from Riley. She put her phone up to her ear, and some scary voicemails, too. Agh crap, it's already 3:29, one minute until the end of the day bell, which means she's got about 6 minutes before she's late for tutoring. "YEAH MOM IM COMING!"

Riley's pov
Riley walked into her dads classroom and was greeted by Zay, Farkle, and Lucas. She frowned "no Maya?" Lucas shook his head "not yet." Riley plopped down into we seat and sighed. She looked up at the front of the classroom and frowned "yes sweetie relax, please." Her dad was on the phone with someone, probably her mom. "Honey bear, I love you I'm sure it's nothing."
Honey bear? What the hell is that?
"Ice storm warnings happen all the time!"
Of course. An ice storm. Cause I guess this is just a cursed day.
"Well I can't leave, sweetie I have kids that are staying for tutoring today. If I don't tutor them, who will?" Just at that point a friendly face walked through the opened door "hey family!" He called smiling widely. Riley raised her eyebrows "josh? What are you doing here?" Riley got up and hugged him. "Well I'm supposed to be shadowing a teacher for my work, you know. Like an internship." Riley nodded and they tuned back into Corey's conversation. "You know what honey, I just had the best idea, I'll be there to pick you up in 10, okay?" He smiled proud of himself
"Alright I love you too" he said clicking off the phone. "My brotha I need ya help!" Corey said pointing at josh. He tilted his head slightly "watcha need my brotha?!" Riley rolled her eyes I don't know why they get like this around each other. She sat back down and Farkle tapped her on the shoulder "is he gonna get josh to tutor us?" Riley nodded, "I think so." She turned her attention back up to the front of the classroom, josh looked puzzled "cor, I really wish I could. That sound so fun!" Corey scrunched his nose up "plleeaassee, if I don't pick up Topanga she's gonna kill me! She said something about a ice storm threatening the area? She actually sounded kinda scared." Riley frowned "really mom? Scared? Huh. Doesnt sound like her." Corey nodded and pointed at Riley "I know right! That's why I really need you to do this!!" Josh sighed "I don't know cor, I'm supposed to be shadowing this other teacher today." "Which teacher?" Zay asked. Josh looked down at a small stack of papers he was holding "uhh, mrs Anderson?" Riley rolled her eyes "ugh, the phone stealer." Lucas laughed "yeah she is kind of a hag, isn't she?" Josh frowned "well I just don't know if I can-" jut like that Corey pushed josh down on the floor an ran for the door. "Dad what are you-" he got outside of it and dead bolted it. "Haha suckas! Now you're locked in! Be back in an hour!" He said through the window. Josh jumped up and ran to the door "Corey come back here right now!!" He pounded on the door. "Okay that's it!" Zay stood up "now I keep failing tests in this class and my mom said If I get one more F she's gonna whoop me! So somebody's gonnatudor me and someone's gonna do it right now!" He said. Josh slowly walked to the front the classroom "okayyy" he flipped through the teachers edition text book. He started to draw on the white board when they all heard a creaking sound at the back of the class. They all turned "The window! Why didn't I think of going out the window?!" Josh said frustrated. "Man shut up you can't fit through that window." Zay shot back. Just then the window creaked open again and a little blonde headed figure popped through. She looked up and her mouth dropped open. "Josh?" Just then her little self tipped over and fell onto the ground. "Oh my god Maya are you okay?" Josh said bending over her. She groaned "it's fine just a twisted ankle." She laid her head on the ground and they both stared into each other's eyes "you look great." He said. Maya rolled her eyes "you say that every time." He kept staring at her intently "you always look great." Zay cleared his throat "excuse me, guy tryin to pass high school over here!" Josh held out his hand and helped her up "so you're my tutor?" She asked as she limped over to her seat. "Yeah well, Matthews said something about a blizzard, or something." Maya nodded "oh yeah it was snowing out there really bad, some lady said it was gonna hail!" Farkle grabbed his book bag and stood up. "That's it I'm outta here!" Riley got up after him "Farkle calm down, we can't even get out of here!" Farkle smiled " you wanna bet?" He pulled out a set of keys and stuck one into the door. "Farkle there's no way-" the door popped open shutting her right up. Farkle walked out with everyone close behind him, except Maya who was struggling to keep up. Lucas turned around "oh my god Maya, I'm so sorry." He turned back and walked over to her. "It's alright, you don't have to walk with me." She pushed him away. He smiled "don't be ridiculous Maya, I'd love to walk with you at your old granny pace." He teased. "Oh shut up I'm injured!" She punched him playfully in the shoulder. He stopped smiling "yeah it doesn't hurt too badly, does it?" She shook her head "no it's alright, it only really hurts when I try to walk. Lucas tilted his head "well in that case.." Be grabbed Maya by her back and legs and carried her bridal style. She giggled "Lucas! You don't have to do this!" She giggled some more. Lucas stopped smiling and looked at her. "Maybe I want to."and then Maya stopped smiling too.

((Please please I know this chapter was boring it you really should keep reading because it gets so much better!))

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