Chapter 1 part 3

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Seth's Pov
We're in the third week of college now and something is bothering me.. Our relationship hasn't changed one bit and i can't say i'm happy about it.
My thoughts flow as i play with my green lucky pen during the lunch break.
We are in the same class since we share a lot of courses together yet we barely speak. He is always surrounded by his fangirls and some ..fanboys. I forgot, to be honest, what kind of person Zac is inside these walls..
Teacher: Hey Seth, have you thought about the optional club you'll take this year?
I look away from Zac and i see Mr. T. holding a taco in his hand, is luch time afterall.
S: S-Senpai.. I.. of course i'm taking the comic book club.. working with you is a pleasure !!
Teacher: haha I'm flattered!*pats my head*
S:*blush* how was y-your summer Senpai? Any new projects?
T: wouldn't you like to know, haha.
Come see me in comics club and we taco bout it *swings his taco in the air* there.
S: .. taco puns. Really?
T: at least i made you smile, grumpy cat *winks*See you in class.
Senpai is so nice..
I realise my face is blushing and i try to shake it off. It's not like that.. Senpai drew comics in his teen years and since we aren't so many years apart, i had the pleasure to get my hands on his work. He is my idol and now my teacher..i wish i could be like him one day.
Z: Ehem...
I turn around and Zac gives me a weird look like he caught me cheating. With him is Caleb and Alex with big smiles on their face.
S: Hi gu-
S: ..?!
Alex: We thought u would stay in Constanta and never come back!!*hugs both of us*
S: Are we doing this every week..?
C: sorry i was just.. i'm so happy we are all together.
Alex and Caleb are animators and our classes don't intersect much but its nice to see them once in a while..
Even thought i don't show it .. i miss them too.
C:*wishpear* so did u made up?
S: ..
A: Babe ..give them space. I know you want juicy drama but let-
C: i'll give you juicy drama if you don't let me be! BABE!
Alex backs away slowly with a stupid grin on his face.
Zac: We don't talk much even here so nothing changed Caleb..
C: that's why i'm here to save the day! We are going to eat at Sushiko after school!! Because my mouth is drooling after their chicken teriyaki.. u two lovebirds can talk there all you want!!
S: I'm down if Zac is..
Z: oh please you know i would always go down for you..
I look away. Another perverted joke coming from Zac. Back in the day this kind of thing wouldn't make me react not even blink... now it makes me agitated and embarrassed.. because i know how it feels. *blush*
Control yourself Seth... he's just teasing you. He asked for space, give him space.
S: .. i'll go sign up for the comic book club, i'll see you guys around.
C: uu tell Mr. Hottie i said Hi !
Alex: you're not helping..
C: what?! The teacher is really hot!
Well not as hot as you tho but hehe..hehe.. he*turns to Zac* save me?
Z: .. i have to go too.. see you after school.
I'm few steps away from Mr. Thomas office, i take a deep breath and knock on the door.
S: may i come in?
T: yes of course! Seth you came?
S: ah.. yes. I'm here to sign up..
I walk towards his desk and sit there awkwardly.
T: oh please take a seat don't just stand up there. It will take a little while anyways..
I need your phone number, email.. and your id, also complete this file for me.
I pat my pockets trying to find my green pen but i might have left it in the classroom..
T: here!*hands me his pen with a smile on his face* i don't need it right now, i write on my laptop anyways.
Your id?
S: h-here..
*he reaches for it and his warm hand brushes against mine* inside my head i'm fangirling like crazy.. Senpai is so cool.. i stare at his hand, his long fingers.. and i see a ring around it.
S: Are you married Senpai?
T:.. what?
S:... afgd! I'm sorry i didn't mean to ask such a serious question!! I saw the ring and ..and.. Please forgive me.
T: *tries to hold in laughter* you're so funny hahaha.
No, i'm not married. There s a funny story about this ring and how it ended up in my possesion but it's not that important.. oh 26?
S: ..? My age?
T: yeah. I'm 28. You look way younger..
S: yeah i know senpai's age..
T: oh so you knew.. and u asked about my relationship, are you into me Seth?
S: n-no it's nothing like that! ;;
T: i'm just teasing you hahaha.
S: *cute sad voice* don't do that Senpai..
*the teacher blushes*
T: ...
S: i'm sor-
The door slams open and both of us jump confused. I look at the door and Zac stands there looking mad then puts on his stupid ceeky grin.
T: may i help you..?
Z: i'm joining the comic book club!
He looks at me and winks.
S: ...

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