Royal Kiss

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Chapter 1- Article

“You guys done with your homework yet?” Mom asked as she made her way to the living room, a cup of hot chocolate in her hand.

            “Almost” I chirped while I discreetly hid the magazine I was reading, plastered with Prince Noah’s face all over it, and got back to my English assignment. My older brother Jason had his head on the table, with his face in his history book and was snoring loudly.

            “I wish I were almost done” Dad said as he sat in his lazy boy on the other side of the room surrounded by papers from his college English students. “You’d think they didn’t teach young people how to write anymore” he grumbled as he took his glasses off.

            “Well apparently they don’t teach adults how to write either” Mom said as she plopped down next to my dad, shuffling through submissions of poetry to look over.

            Across the table Jason looked up from his work and rolled his eyes. I shrugged and gave him a knowing look. It wasn’t easy living with an English professor for a father and an executive editor for a highly rated poetry magazine for a mother. Nothing was ever written good enough for my parents. Not news paper articles or even New York’s best-selling novels.

            That’s why I never showed them my short stories. The thought of my work being covered in red ink by my parents gave me the chills. I was afraid I was never going to measure up to their standards.          

            My latest story was about an ordinary American girl who gets shipped off to a boarding school in Europe and she meets a prince where they fall hopelessly in love with each other. I know, I know, how much more cliché can you get right?

            I turned back to my magazine and wiped the drool forming at lips. Prince Noah had to have been the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. Dreamy blue eyes with a head of luscious blonde hair that swayed in the breeze stared back at me. His hair was always in his face; which to me made him look dreamier. In the picture he was wearing a navy dress shirt and black slacks. His mouth was quirked up into the slightest hint of a smile. I sometimes wondered what it would be like to have him smile like that at me. Or to have him say anything to me for that matter with his adorable accent. But what was the chance of a Royal Prince of Australia coming to Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

            I sigh and gather up my things. There wasn’t much of a chance in getting my homework done now; there never was once I started thinking about Noah. Apparently my dad had given up as well; he was reading the Journal Sentinel. I glanced over his shoulder and was bombarded with the picture of the Royal Family.

            “Noah!” I scream as I ripped the paper out of my dad’s hands.

            “Whoa!” Dad turned around with a bemused look on his face. “It’s not often someone gets excited about the paper.”

            My cheeks instantly flame up. I didn’t tell my parents about my crush on Prince Noah. I figured my literary parents would laugh at me if they knew I had a crush on someone I’ve never met before.

            “Umm, I saw an article that I thought I could use for current events in science tomorrow” I lie quickly.

            My Dad laughed and waved his hand dismissively at me. “All right, Annabelle. Far be it from me to impede the study of current events.” My dad chuckled to himself.

            I quickly ran up to my room, slammed my door and sprawled out on my bed with the newspaper.

            “A Royal Opening,” the headline read. The picture below displayed the Royal Family sitting in a regal manner. King Zachery and Queen April looked serious as always. So did their oldest son 24 year old Prince Philip, the heir to the throne. The second oldest son 21 year old Prince Michael looked moody and troubled, with his dark hair and smoldering green eyes. Their only daughter 18 year old Princess Rose was tall and thin with the body of a fashion model; her wavy blonde hair fell to her waist, and a diamond necklace sparkled against her tanned skin.

            To a casual observer 16 year old Noah seemed to fade beside his glamorous family. He had that shy smile, and his eyes were cast slightly downward as if he was embarrassed at having his picture taken. Although the tabloids didn’t say much about him, I could tell he was the most sensitive in his family.

            I stared happily at his picture for what seemed like hours, and then began to read the article.

            “Oh my gosh!” I screeched as I jumped out of my bed after just a few lines, dropping the paper.

            Jason came into my room as I was picking the paper back up. “What’s going on?” he questioned as he took a seat on my computer chair.

            “Nothing,” I said quickly. Jason didn’t know about my crush on Noah either. He was a senior in high school and had a real girlfriend, he thought crushes were juvenile.

            I read the rest of the article. It said that the Royal Family- except for the heir Philip, who never traveled with his parents-, would be in Chicago on Friday for the grand opening of the Metropolis, the world’s newest and tallest luxury hotel. They would be staying there for several days, attending a big charity ball in the hotel and taking in the sights that Chicago had to offer. My knees suddenly felt like jello and were about to give any second. Chicago was just a train ride away and Friday was a school holiday!

            “Umm, Jason,” I said trying to sound casual, “Can you take me to the mall on Friday?” My mom and dad wouldn’t let me go alone; they said I was too young but I kept telling them that 16 wasn’t that young at all.

            “I guess.” Jason shrugged “But today is only Monday.”

            “Just say you’ll go with me. Please?” My voice cracked on the last word. So much for sounding casual.

            Jason ran a hand through his reddish-brown hair, he had the same hair color as my dad, but my hair was a mix of blonde and browns. My eyes were a pale gray where as his were as green as emeralds. I’d grown my hair out as long as I could, down to my waist, but I still looked nothing like Rose; I was an average 5’4 and scrawny, all elbows and knees.

            “Please?” I asked my brother again, more calmly.

            “If you’re so desperate to go shopping, sure.”

            “Thank you!” I ran to him and tackled him to the ground with the biggest bear hug I could muster.

            Once I pulled away he got to his feet and started heading for the door. “Marissa’s going to be out of town on Friday anyways.” He called over his shoulder.

            I smiled and quickly changed to my favorite pajamas and got into bed. Beneath the covers, with the lights out, I clutched my pillow tightly. I imagined it was Noah, that I was holding him while he smiled that shy smile of his.

            Somehow I had to get to Metropolis. Maybe if I put myself at the right place at the right time… Maybe I could meet Prince Noah in person instead of staring at pictures and dreaming!

Hi!! So this is my first story on here and hopefully not my last! Pleas vote, comment, and fan for my story, it would mean alot to me!

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