Chapter 3- The Store

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Chapter 3- The Store

            It was only noon, too early to meet Jason for lunch. I didn’t want to talk to anyone anyway. I walked alone along the street, glancing in store windows but not really paying attention to what I saw. I did stop at the record store, but the new One Direction CD wasn’t out yet. I hadn’t really expected it to be, but Jason didn’t know that.

            After mindlessly walking around Chicago’s many streets, I came across a vintage clothing store. A silk vest in the window caught my eye. It was a deep purple with gold trim, just what Prince Noah might wear. I sighed— I didn’t want to think about Noah at the moment— but I couldn’t help going inside for a closer look.

            A glittery fake diamond necklace caught my eye after that, and then a long, flowing, silk sundress. Before I knew it I was working my way through the racks of used clothing. I couldn’t afford to buy much, but it was fun to look around. It took my mind off being turned away from the Metropolis.

            I reached up to a self where a funny feathered hat was calling my name. My arm brushed against someone else’s, “I’m sorry!”

            The guy I had bumped into looked down at me— and for the second time that day, I felt my stomach lurch. Not with disappointment, this time, with shock! The boy standing beside me looked just like Prince Noah!

            Was I imagining things? Why would Prince Noah hang out in an old clothing store? I looked closer. This boy was wearing dark blue jeans with slight rips in them and they hung low. His white V-neck clung to his perfectly sculpted body, showing hints to a six pack underneath. He looked like an ordinary American kid, not like royalty. Did I want to meet Noah so badly that my mind was making things up? But that face, that hair, those eyes…

            He smiled shyly— I knew that smile— and picked up the hat I’d been reaching for. He placed it neatly on my head. One long feather flopped down into my face.

            “It suits you,” he said with a sly grin.

            That accent! It was Noah. But what was he doing here?

            My heart began to pound rapidly against my rib cage. My knees wobbled; I forced them to stop. “I think this one is more your style.” I picked up a silly back top hat and perched it on his head. My hands were shaking slightly, and the hat slid to the side. It looked ridiculous with his outfit. He tilted his head to the side and gave me a smirk. The hat tumbled off, we both burst out laughing.

            He had the most wonderful laugh. It lit up his face and made his eyes sparkle. I’d never seen him laughing like this in photos or TV specials.

            “How about this one?” I picked up a sailor’s hat and settled it on his head at a fashionable angle.

            “No, no, this one!” He replaced my feathered hat with a worn out leather biker’s cap.

            “Try this—”

            “No, this—”

            Soon we were riffling through all the hats, still laughing, looking for more and more outrages styles to try on each other. Noah threw a pink feather boa around my shoulders; I tossed him a swashbuckling pirate’s cape. We took one look at each other and laughed even louder.

            “Hey! You kids!”

            The man behind the cash register stormed over to us. Noah and I fell silent.

            Noah didn’t look anything like a prince at the moment. His long black cape cascading down past his sneakers and a fluorescent green fedora sitting on his head. He looked at me and I had to stifle a giggle threatening to escape my lips.

            I was wearing the boa and a garnish necklace made of huge brass beads. A tie-dyed 70’s scarf was tied securely around my head.

            The balding man glared at us. “If you’re not going to buy anything I suggest you kids leave my store.” He had a menacing tone in his voice.

            I saw Noah fighting not to laugh even harder at that. Instead he said, very politely, with that adorable accent, “Yes, of course, I’ll buy it all.” He started toward the cash register, cape flowing behind him.

The man’s face softened immediately. He followed close behind Noah. “With all the people that come through this door, I’m usually good at placing accents. But I can’t seem to decipher yours,” he said as he was ringing up our purchases. “Where are you from?” 

“Oh, um, I’m from Australia. My family moved here just a few months ago.” He admitted while scratching the back of his neck and looking anywhere but the man’s eyes.

“Australia, huh? Hey your king and queen were here today, for the hotel opening.”

“Oh.” Noah sounded nonchalant, uninterested in this news. “I hadn’t heard that.”

I blinked, Noah really didn’t want anyone to know who he was. I hadn’t realized, but I suddenly was very very glad I hadn’t blown his cover the moment I had seen him.

I put my necklace and feather boa on the counter. “You really don’t have to buy-” I began but he was already pulling out his wallet.

“No, no, I really want to.” He said as he passed the cashier the bills and gave me a smirk that almost knocked me off my feet.

I tried not to look at the final price for everything, but I saw. It was way more than I could afford to spend on some silly clothes. Prince Noah paid cash though. I guess if he wanted to keep his identity a secret, he couldn’t exactly use his credit card. I stifled a giggle. If he had a credit card, would the name read Prince Noah or would it include his last name, Henderson, which people rarely used. I had no idea.

“Thank you for your business. Please feel free to come back anytime.” The cashier handed Noah two bags filled with clothes.

Noah gave a slight bow. I couldn’t help it— I curtsied. We looked at each other and burst out laughing once more.

Together we walked out the door. I hesitated, reluctant to leave Noah, yet having no good reason not to. He handed mo one of the bags. For a moment we just looked at each other. At the precise moment my stomach growled, instantly setting my cheeks aflame.

“Say would you like to grab a bite with me?” he asked

I blushed slightly looking at the pavement, “Yeah I would love to” I told him. I couldn’t believe I was going to have lunch with Noah!

“Great I keep hearing about this deli place, but I've never eaten in one. Would you want to check that place out?”

“Yeah that would be great” I said with a smile on my lips. Once that was settled we both fell in step with each other, his arm brushing slightly against mine, and me trying to keep my breathing at a normal rate.

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