Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2: The Drive

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Chapter 2: The Drive

Vivian's POV (Picture is Vivian)

Hello, my name is Vivian. I was originally born in Moscow, Russia. I was sent here due to murder charges. Court ended with not guilty by reason of insanity.

I terrified everyone in the court room. The jury was practically praying for a way to get out of that court room as the images of my crime flashed on the screen.

Both my parents bodies lay on the kitchen floor in pieces. Puddles of blood surrounding their mangled limbs. All I can remember is non-stop laughter in the court room. My laughter.

Anyways, I'm 20 years old and Elizabeth is my best friend. We will be residing at the Silent Creek Institute for the rest of out miserable lives. Might as well make hell break lose while I'm here right?

Right! But I don't want to spend the rest of my life here. I have an escape plan in order and I plan to use Elizabeth to help me.

I know the perfect person to help convince her to run away with me. I will use Derek against her.

She's always had a crush on the Section 9 boy and I'll make her dreams come true of being with him in real life.

Honestly, I don't try to be a good person. Ever since I was a kid my parents had been abusing me. My father repeatedly raped me every day.

My mother was selling me as a prostitute to Russians gangs in the city. At the age of 13 I brutally murdered both my parents.

I was horrified by the events that my took place in my childhood. Grown men of all ages touched and raped me.

I lost my virginity at the age of 10 years old to my own father. One day I snapped and picked up a kitchen knife.

I sliced both my parents throats and laughed as the blood gushed from their windpipes. I laughed at their miserable faces as the life drained from their bodies.

But I didn't stop there. I began assaulting my mother with the knife. I ripped apart her uterus just like the thousands of men did with my body.

I played with their bodies for hours until the cops showed up. It was a beautiful sight to be seen. I wish Elizabeth could have been there to share in that beauty.


I was dreaming of being driven away from the Institute in a fast Ferrari. Vivian was driving and Derek was in the back seat.

We were so happy to finally be free. We wanted to change our names and move where no one could find us.

I looked into the backseat to check on Derek but he was covered in blood. He had duck tape on his mouth and looked like he had been crying.

I could see a large cut where I think his liver is supposed to be. I hopped in the backseat and took the duck tape off his lips?

He screamed "Why did you let her do this to me?!" And Vivian just smiled. "Because without selling your organs we would have never been able to take this car.

He sounded like he was in terrible amounts of pain and kept crying. Vivian told me to shut him the hell up so I put the duck tape back on his lips.

She wanted me to climb back up to the front seat and when I did she began rubbing my inner thigh. "It's going to be okay, we're free now"

Is the last thing I heard before the car was smashed into by a cop. We ended up being smashed into a tree and that's when I woke up.

Vivian was on top of me bouncing away, trying to wake me up. "Is the hygiene alarm going off?"

She looked at me sideways "No silly, I was trying to wake you up before the alarms so we could talk"

I sighed and shoved her off me. "Your just trying to get them to come tranquilize you" she smiled a wide grin and before you know it, I forgot all about my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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