Chapter Five (Keaton. Frogging. Stromberg.)

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We pulled up to the Scott Trade Center and there was a line of people waiting to get in. We went around to a back entrance and met the guy who’d been guarding Justin’s hospital room as the driver drove off.

“Hey Liliahna! J-man told me you were coming.”

I smiled politely. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I know your name.”

“Oh. I’m Kenny.” He opened the door to let us in. “They’re just down the hall and to the left.”

“Thanks, Kenny.” I waved good bye and led my friends, family, and Isaiah where Kenny told us.

“You have fun, Liliahna.”

“You too, Kenny.”

I took the left and my ears were immediately assaulted with Justin’s shout. “Rose! Youmade it!”

“Yeahhh… Um, Justin. This is my best friend, Colby.”

Colby waved. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Justin grinned.

“Maci and her best friend, Tiffany.”

They both gave small waves and Justin gave them smiles.

“This is mine and Maci’s brother, Nick.”

Nick nodded, ever the tough guy. Justin beamed at him then turned to Isaiah. “You are…?”

“Isaiah,” we answered together then awkwardly glanced at each other. Cough. Cough.

“That’s Isaiah,” I repeated.

"Cool.” Justin shrugged a cold shoulder. Ouch. Want some ice for that burn?

I looked around the room, trying not to laugh. The second my eyes locked on those beautiful green eyes, my heart stopped.

Keaton’s P.O.V.

I walked into our little hang out while the girl, who must be Liliahna, was introducing her friends. Okay, Justin said she was pretty, but I didn’t think he meant like that. Sure, she’s no Megan Fox, but she’s still beautiful. But there’s something more. She seems more… real.

I didn’t realize that I’d been staring until her stormy blue eyes connected with mine. I got so lost in the storm I couldn’t breathe. She looked like she couldn’t, either.

We were both snapped out of our daze by Drew’s hand in front of my face. “Yo, Keaton! Did you hear me?”

I looked down sheepishly and glanced up at her doing the same. “Uh. What?”

He threw his hands up in defeat. “I give up on you, man. You seen my comb?”

Really, Drew?! Your comb?! “Uh. No. You ask Wed?”

“Not yet.” He took a step towards the door.

I blocked his way out. “Dude. Don’t be rude.”

Rolling his eyes, he turned around. “Hey, Maci.”

“Hi, Drew,” the shorter girl waved.

The girl – who I assume is Liliahna – rolled her eyes and walked over to us – less than a foot away from me. “Hi, Drew.” She flashed him a friendly smile.

“Are you being nice, now?” Drew glared at her.

I smacked his arm. “Dude!”

Before he could react, Liliahna pursed her lips then spoke one word in a forced nice tone, “Trying.”

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