A/N: Just a little note I keep forgetting to put in here, for future and past notice.
Sorry to everyone involved with this story if I didn't get your character just right, but some of you I don't know personally, so I'm just kind of making it up. It is called FanFICTION for a reason. Even if your character seems like a total dick right now (sorry Drew), just be patient with the story, please. :) Hope all my readers like it. You have @R5getsLOUDER to thank for this. She's been bugging me about posting one of my dreams for a while. (Loves you bestieee!! Mwahz!) :P
And I'm sorry if you're the only poor soul on the planet who doesn't like brownies. Deal with it.
*XO 3000 Miles*
“What do you want, Isaiah?” I stared down the Justin Bieber wannabe who was my friend until he became the most popular kid at Shiloh Middle School.
“Oh, I just wanna congratulate you on you ‘heroism’ last night.”
Oh, I just wanna punch that mocking little smirk right off your face.
“Okay, you’ve said it. Now leave.” I started to walk past him, but he snatched my arm.
I swear, one more person touches me.
“Or what? You’re daddy’s gonna come get me? Oh wait…”
I shook him off and snapped back with, “’Cuz your real dad’s there for you, too?”
That knocked the smirk off his face. “Don’t talk about my father.”
“Hypocrite.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Attention whore.”
“Take Me As I Am” by Lecrae stopped me from letting loose a string of cuss words. I turned around and picked up my phone. “Hey, J.”
“Hey,” I could hear the smile in Justin’s voice.
“That yout daddy?” Isaiah recovered quickly. Well, Merry Christmas. Here’s a finger. In the middle of July.
I heard him chuckling on the line. “I’m your daddy?”
“Don’t joke about that. What’d you want.”
“You sound stressed.”
“Don’t forget the tears, sweetheart,” I heard from my other ear.
I’m gonna ring this animal.
“Who is that?’
“Just some gnat. Hold on.” I covered the phone so Justin couldn’t hear me. “Isaiah Gerard Swan, if you do not leave me alone, I will call your mother.”
He took a step back to lean against the wall. At least now I can talk on the phone.
“Okay. Now, what?”
“I got your tickets. I can get you six people.”
“Six?! Oh, Justin! That’s great! Thanks! I don’t know how I could ever –”
“You saved my life, Liliahna Rose. It’s the least I can do. Why don’t you invite your friend.?”
Moment ruined.
I glanced at Isaiah. “He’s not really a friend.”
“Invite him, anyway. I’d Love to… talk with him.”
I had to laugh at how much he sounded like Colby and Nick. “Okay, hold on. I’ll ask.” I focused on Isaiah. “You want to go to Justin’s concert tonight? Front row. VIP.”

Music to My Ears
FanficWhat does befriending Justin Bieber get you? A room full of celebrities. Sounds great, right? Hah. You weren't there. It's not all rainbows and peaches. Sometimes you just gotta roll your eyes and laugh. Other times you have to smack Drew Chadwick o...