Chapter Four (Don't Say Dad)

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A/N: Just a little note I keep forgetting to put in here, for future and past notice.

Sorry to everyone involved with this story if I didn't get your character just right, but some of you I don't know personally, so I'm just kind of making it up. It is called FanFICTION for a reason. Even if your character seems like a total dick right now (sorry Drew), just be patient with the story, please. :) Hope all my readers like it. You have @R5getsLOUDER to thank for this. She's been bugging me about posting one of my dreams for a while. (Loves you bestieee!! Mwahz!) :P

And I'm sorry if you're the only poor soul on the planet who doesn't like brownies. Deal with it.

*XO 3000 Miles*


“What do you want, Isaiah?” I stared down the Justin Bieber wannabe who was my friend until he became the most popular kid at Shiloh Middle School.

“Oh, I just wanna congratulate you on you ‘heroism’ last night.”

Oh, I just wanna punch that mocking little smirk right off your face.

“Okay, you’ve said it. Now leave.” I started to walk past him, but he snatched my arm.

I swear, one more person touches me.

“Or what? You’re daddy’s gonna come get me? Oh wait…”


I shook him off and snapped back with, “’Cuz your real dad’s there for you, too?”

That knocked the smirk off his face. “Don’t talk about my father.”

“Hypocrite.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

“Attention whore.”

“Take Me As I Am” by Lecrae stopped me from letting loose a string of cuss words. I turned around and picked up my phone. “Hey, J.”

“Hey,” I could hear the smile in Justin’s voice.

“That yout daddy?” Isaiah recovered quickly. Well, Merry Christmas. Here’s a finger. In the middle of July.

 I heard  him chuckling on the line. “I’m your daddy?”

“Don’t joke about that. What’d you want.”

“You sound stressed.”

“Don’t forget the tears, sweetheart,” I heard from my other ear.

I’m gonna ring this animal.

“Who is that?’

“Just some gnat. Hold on.” I covered the phone so Justin couldn’t hear me. “Isaiah Gerard Swan, if you do not leave me alone, I will call your mother.”

He took a step back to lean against the wall. At least now I can talk on the phone.

“Okay. Now, what?”

“I got your tickets. I can get you six people.”

Six?! Oh, Justin! That’s great! Thanks! I don’t know how I could ever –”

“You saved my life, Liliahna Rose. It’s the least I can do. Why don’t you invite your friend.?”

Moment ruined.

I glanced at Isaiah. “He’s not really a friend.”

“Invite him, anyway. I’d Love to… talk with him.”

I had to laugh at how much he sounded like Colby and Nick. “Okay, hold on. I’ll ask.” I focused on Isaiah. “You want to go to Justin’s concert tonight? Front row. VIP.”

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