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Taemin's pov;

Not even a second after i robbed the night store i instantly felt guilt in my whole body.
Usually when yoongi gets us to do things we just do it and enjoy the money we make out of it but sitting at this table, watching yoongi and key enjoy every moment i feel like i could break down.
"Ya! Taemin-ah! Our little dongsaeng grew up!" yoongi said as he threw the money around and let out a few laughs.
i just looked at him and gave him a light smile.
Somehow i couldn't enjoy this, the money, yoongi finally letting me do something by my own.
All i see are Seulgi's eyes.
She looked so hurt and paralyzed that it made me want to shoot myself for what i did. Ofcourse i couldn't tell anyone, yoongi would get mad whenever we show any kind of emotion.
The day Key's dad passed away he had to go to a house of a rich happy family and shoot their dad in front of his daughters' and wife's eyes.
Yoongi learned us to just not have any emotion. He says it'll make us weak.
But if he tried so hard to make me not feel anything then why am i still feeling things like this?



can we talk?

about what?

I wanna talk about what happened that night

i'm all ears

Your pov:

I feel connected with who ever this taemin guy is. I feel like he's keeping something from me though, i don't know what it is but i feel like he knows more about that night than he's telling me and i just wanna know what he knows meaning i'll have to keep talking to him until he tells me. I want to know what happened and i want who ever did it locked away.

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