Chapter 1 : The Rose

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As Percy was walking to his locker, Grover came and walk beside him.

"Mornin' Perce,  why the long face? I get that it's Monday and all but you aren't usually do gloomy so early in the morning." questioned Grover.

"I saw him. He was talking with his sisters." sighed Percy.



"O~h, him. Mr Tall-Dark-and-Broody." chuckled Grover. "So, when are you gonna confess and date the guy already?"

"What are you crazy!?" whisper-shouted Percy. "He's so out of my lead. He's our school's star football quarterback. Only hot beautiful people go out with hot beautiful people."

"So what does that make me and Juniper?" asked Grover as they reach Percy's locker? "The forbidden lovers? You know that most people don't really care about the status quo anymore right, Percy?"

"Whats this about a status quo I hear?" approached a new voice.

"Our boy, Percy here still won't try to confess his feelings to our resident Ghost King." answered Grover.

"Guys, he doesn't even know that I exist. There's no way that he'll agree to date me even if I confessed." grumbled Percy. "You're on my side right, Rachel?"

The new voice, Rachel, replies by ruffling his hair while moving to stand by Grover.

"Sorry Perce. But your kitten eyes don't work on me anymore. And I have to agree with Grover." replied Rachel. "You've had a crush on the guy for three years now. It's senior year. Why don't you just try. Worst case scenario, he rejects you and you have to avoid him for the whole year until you graduate. But at least you get to go and move on knowing that you didn't miss out on your chance to have something with him."

"She's right Perce. It's our last year. Why don't you try putting yourself out there. Who knows, maybe he might me secretly into you." mused Grover.

Percy sighed and ignored them as he unlock his locker.

As he opened the doors. A rose and a piece of paper falls out from the locker and onto the floor. Catching all their attention.

"What's that?" questioned Rachel as Percy went and picked it up.

"I don't know." answered Percy. He looked at the rose and admired how blue and beautiful it was.

Before he could check the contents of the paper, Rachel snatched it out of this hand and looked it first with Grover hovering over her shoulder to have a peek at it too.

After checking the content of the paper. Grover sports a very amused smirk while Rachel is still looking at the paper with such intensity.

Percy huffed and rolled his eyes but can't help but ask them curiously. "What does it say?"

Grover grins not unlike the Cheshire Cat and says "Looks like our little Percy here has an admirer."


Rachel looked at Grover and nodded.  "Yeah. A very talented and passionate one at that. Look at the details of this. This person is clearly in love with you."

"Wait, what are you guys talki-"

"The fact that this admirer got Percy a blue rose is evidence as it is." nodded Grover.

"Let me look at that!" growled Percy frustratingly. He yanked the paper out of Rachel's hands and was taken aback when he saw what was a very beautifully drawn sketch of himself. In the sketch, he was smiling as he grazes at a bouquet of chrysanthemums he was holding in his hands. The detail of the sketch was outstanding. It made him look so handsome and pretty all at once.

Percy was so amazed by the sketch, he didn't hear Grover or Rachel calling him.

"Percy~. Oh Percy~." sang Grover. Sighing when Percy didn't respond. Grover tried again but louder this time. "Earth to Percy!"

"PERCY!" Grover yelled while snapping his finger in Percy's face.

"Hm? Wha-what?" Percy asked confused.

"There's something written at the back" Rachel pointed out.

Still a little confused, Percy flipped the paper around. True to Rachel's words, there really was something written at the back.

           My dear Sea Prince, I saw you browsing through the flowers at the florist's the other day. You looked so beautiful and mesmerizing that I couldn't get you out of my head. And I just had to sketch it out to ease my mind from thinking of you all day. I have been longing for you for awhile now and have decided to make my move. Be prepared my Sea Prince, as I plan to sweep you off your feet.

From: G.K.   

By the end of letter, Percy was already blushing 'til the tip of his ears. His brains running through so many questions.

Who left this here?

How did they know the combination to his locker? The rose couldn't possibly fit through the thin slits of the locker.

How is it even possible for him to have an admirer?

"What did it say?" asked Rachel.

Before Percy could opened his mouth to reply, he was interrupted by the second warning bell. He frowned and made a quick move to gather all his books for his classes and shut his locker. "I'll tell you during lunch break. Right now, we need to get to class before either one of use gets a detention slip."

"Fine!" grumbled Rachel. "I'll see you guys at lunch break. You better give me the full detail of what it says Percy. Don't let him run away, Grover."

"Yes, Ma'am!" snickered Grover as he slung an arm around Percy's shoulders.

Percy rolled his eyes at their antics. "Yeah, yeah. Can we hurry and go now. I need to help my mum at the bakery later and I don't think detention is going to help with that."

"Yeah, okay. See you at the usual table." waved Rachel as she walked away to her class.

Percy and Grover waved back and looked at each other. "You know that we still got only 2 minutes until Ms.Athena gets to class right?"

"Yup." answered Grover with a 'pop' at the end.

"Wanna make a run for it?"

Neither one answered as they looked at each other for one more second before running to class like their life depended on it with smiles on their faces.

Unbeknownst to them,  a tall dark retreating figure stood at the end of the hall grazing at the back of the boy clad in the black hoodie fondly.

Smirking as he said, "See you soon, my dear Sea Prince."


Hey there guys. Here's Chapter One.

Umm... I'm sorry for not updating for so long. After the first chapter I posted, my phone broke and I had to wait until a month before I got a new one. There was also a problem with me not owning a laptop. When I got my phone, there was a lot going on in my life that I forgot that I had this account and this fic.


Sorry again. I didn't mean to make y'all wait for so long. So enjoy this chapter. And hopefully I can find the time to finish this fic by December.

( TДT)



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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