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Monday morning, the day that every student hates the most.
The unholy goddamn day that tells you to wake up from la la land and back to reality.
The day that sadistic teachers love that most. And it is also another start of the week where every thing bad of the week starts to happen.

Well, at least that was what Percy Jackson thought.

Percy hates Monday, he believes that on that day, every sadistic teacher he knows is out to get him. That always makes him feel like skipping school every Monday. The only reason that he still goes to school every Monday is because Grover and Rachel will be waiting for him.

Grover Underwood has been Percy's friend since they we're five. He is a brunette with black-hole for a stomach. Like literally, half of the bag he brings to school everyday is always filled with snacks. Grover has always been there for him. When Smelly Gabe(his abusive stepfather) was finally arrested and when he came out to his parents, Grover had been there to comfort him. They made a promise when they were in preschool to be brothers forever.

When Percy and Grover got to grade school. They met a girl named Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

Now, Rachel was an odd one out. She never talks to anyone and is always seen sketching or coloring something or someone. She will always be in the library at lunch sitting in a corner all alone.

After a series of bump-ins with her, they talk and had immediately hit it off as friends.

Whenever Percy thinks back about the way they met, he will always be thankful to them for being his friends.

But enough of those mushy thoughts and back to the problem at hand.

Percy was still laying on his bed debating with himself if he should go to school or not. Needless to say, it will always be a yes. It has become a routine in his life to do this every Monday morning.

After his internal debate with himself, Percy got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up.

When he was done, he threw on a pair of gray slacks, a navy blue dress-shirt, his black hoodie-jacket, and a pair of navy blue Converse high-cut shoes.

He took his bag and went down to greet his mother and have his breakfast.

"Morning mum!"

"Good morning Percy." greeted Sally Jackson. A brunette with long curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. "Paul left early today because of some early teachers meeting. Do you want me to drive you to school today?"

"Thanks mum but there's no need to. I'll just take my bike to school today." replied Percy.

"Are you sure?. It won't bother me at all."

"I'm sure mum. Besides, it would be good exercise for me." Percy said with a smile which Sally returned.

"Well okay. Hurry up and eat your breakfast or you'll be late for school."

"Okay mum."

After Percy was done with breakfast, he hugged Sally, grabbed his bag and said goodbye before running out the door to his bike and cycled away to school.

When he got to his school's parking lot, he parked it and and chained it up to the parking place for bicycles.

When he was done and was about to grab his bag and go into school, he heard a loud rumble a few rows down and saw a black motorcycle and a white camaro driving in. When the vehicles we're parked. Two girls came out of the car and went to argue with the rider of the black motorcycle.

"Why didn't you wait for us before going!? You said that you would wait remember?" one of the girls said sadly.

"Yeah lil' bro. You should have waited for us. You didn't even say goodbye to dad and Persephone." seconded the taller girl with an affectionate expression. "Dad was so dejected and thought that you were still mad at him for eating your cake last night. Well, I don't really care much 'cause it was funny, but Persephone was a little hurt. You should apologize when we get home, Nico."

The rider, Nico, took off his helmet and replied the girls. "Sorry Haze. I totally forgot. I had to do something so I came a little bit more early that usual. I'll make it up to you later at lunch, my treat okay?."

"Okay..." the girl that Nico called 'Haze' said with a pout.

"And B, I am still mad. I was so looking forward to that cake! It's so hard to get it 'cause the store that sells them makes the best ones and they are really hard to get 'cause they run out of it in just an hour." Nico said with a pout. "I rushed out early on a Sunday morning just to specifically get that cake. And I really wanted to eat it."

"Well, as long as you'll forgive him sooner or later. I don't really need to worry 'bout it anymore."sighed the taller girl with a shake of her head.

"Well, let go in before we get a detention slip for being late to class."said Haze.

"Yeah." agreed both Nico and the other and went into the school.

Two rows down from them, Percy Jackson stood there in awe. He had been watching the whole ordeal silently with a dazed look. The whole time thinking how handsome and charming Nico Di Angelo was.

Why you ask? Because Percy has a huge crush on him and he will never tell Nico about his feelings. To Percy, it's impossible anyway. Because Nico and him were so far apart. In personality, popularity and social standing.

Nico Di Angelo is the star of Half-Blood High. He is the quarterback of the football club and is intelligent, handsome, charming (when he wants to be), athletic, generous and is loved by everyone in the school. He also has a cool dark bad boy air around him, which earned him the title 'Ghost King' by the students of HBHS. And besides that, his father is Hades di Angelo. A big shot lawyer that is known through-out the world. Before Nico's father became known, he had came from old-money. Nico is the most popular kid in school. In conclusion, Nico is perfect and comes from a filthy rich family.

How can Percy even reach all that. The more he thinks about it, the more depressed he feels.

So, with a sad heart. Percy walks into school wishing for something good to happen to him so he could forget about the impossibility of confessing.

Who knows.

Maybe today his wish will finally be heard...


Hi, sorry if this sucks. This is my first time writing fanfics. Please tell me what you think about this. 😐

Advice will be highly appreciated... 😇

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