Caught up in the moment

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(A/N): Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well! I've got nothing to say so let's get right into the story!

It's been a month since your first mission and you were just getting back from your second mission and finished discussing all the details with Ozpin and heading back your dorm.

"I could get used to these monthly missions!" Jake said walking ahead of everyone

"I agree with you, they're great practice and we get some time off from school without getting in trouble!" You added with your hands behind your head

"Not looking forward to the make up work though..." Hannah groaned slouching over

"Quit complaining, it's not like we only have a day to do it all" Sarah said with a smile.

"She's not wrong" You glanced over your shoulder pulling out the key to your dorm and tossing it to Jake who was up ahead.

He easily caught it and unlocked the door entering with you all following shortly after. You walked over to your bed and jumped on it with an 'oomph'. Pulling out your scroll you began playing a game to relax yourself. While playing your scroll went off making you close the game and check it.

The message read 'A reminder to all students and to those who were out on missions, the annual Beacon dance is in a few days so make sure to attend.'

You read the text over a few times before looking up at your team and asking a question.

"Hey guys," You said getting their attention "Since when did Beacon have an annual dance?"

They looked at you with dumbfound expressions before Hannah spoke up "Beacon had a dance for years..."

"Then why am I just now finding out we have one?" You asked again

"You were too busy with your practice last year to pay attention to anything dealing with it" Sarah answered

"That... does sound like me..." You admitted feeling embarrassed

"I'm guessing you just found out we have one?" Jake said


"You gonna go?" He asked again

You thought for a moment before answering "I think I will, it'll be nice to relax and party a little" You answered with a laugh

~Time skip~

You stood in front of a mirror looking at yourself to get the tie to your tux on and finally got it. You looked back into the mirror to see yourself in a black tux with (F/C) trimming around the edges.

"(F/N) you ready?" Jake called from the other room

"Yeah yeah I'm ready" You answered entering the other room seeing him in a tux with indigo trimming. You walked up and grabbed his hand and pulling him into a quick hug "Looking good man" you said before separating.

"Thanks, you too," He said "The girls left a bit ago, they said they'll wait for us at the dance" He continued making you nod

"Alright, let's get going then" You responded while heading for the door with him behind.

You both began walking to the dance and just talked on your way there.

"So you going to the dance with anyone?" Jake asked

"Who me? Nah, never been big on dancing with a partner, really I'm just going to relax and have fun" You said shrugging "What about you?" You asked back

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