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(A/N): Hey everyone! Welcome to the second part of the story! I have nothing I need to announce/say so enjoy the second chapter of the story!

"Ah, feels good to be back!" You said stretching your back as you got off the ship with the other students

"Cant wait to see what the rookies are made of this year" Jake added punching his palm

"Weren't you a 'rookie' last year?" Hannah taunted him

"Listen here you" Jake threatened a visible tch mark forming on his head making Hannah put up her hands in a joking manner

"Aw, did the big bad brawler get upset?" She continued taunting talking to him like a baby

"You're asking for a beating!" He told her raising his fists with his brass knuckles on

"Oh get a room you two" Sarah commented walking past them making them stop arguing and begin blushing at the comment

You stood there smirking and laughing at their reactions before following Sarah towards Beacon being followed shortly by the remaining two teammates. Along the way the two had overcome the comment about them and returned to their usual selves. You all got into Beacon and  began heading back to your dorm getting there quickly and opening the door to see all of your belongings exactly where you left them.

You all got in and got situated before letting out a sigh of relief before jumping onto your bed only to have it explode with dust causing all of you to start coughing and hacking. As soon as the dust settled and you had all caught your breath you automatically began cleaning the dust out but were cut short by all of your scrolls, simultaneously, going off.

"Attention second year hunters and huntresses, report to the amphitheater imminently for a meeting, appearance is mandatory" You read out loud

"Guess cleaning will have to wait" Sarah said

"Yes! Distractions!" Jake cheered bolting out the door being followed by the rest of you

It was a short walk that took no time. Upon entering it was already packed with the fellow second year teams. You were all standing and waiting around for the meeting to start which it did shortly after you arrived. Ozpin came from the sides and walked up on the stage tapping the microphone to gain every ones attention.

"Attention hunters and huntresses, let me be the first to welcome you back to Beacon for your second year. You had come to this school last year to begin the final stage of your training towards becoming this worlds future protectors. And now you stand another step closer to that goal. But enough of the motivational speech, this meeting is to alert you all of what's in store for your second year. As second year students you will be tasked with missions outside the one you did last year after the semester break. Being second year students you will have a mission every month aside from this month seeing it is your first month back. These missions will be assigned based on skill and cooperation of your team. Details of your first mission will be sent to your scrolls by the end of the week. I will also add that in future years you will be assigned missions that are harder but also more frequent. You are dismissed" He announced into the microphone before having everyone walk out and back to their dorms

As you and your team re-entered your dorm you all immediately began discussing your first mission of the year.

"That explains why we rarely see any fourth years! They must be on missions constantly!" Jake pointed out constantly checking his scroll

"I wonder how difficult it will be.... I hope it proves a challenge! I haven't had a good fight in months!" Hannah announced pulling out her blade and polishing it

To Protect someone - M!Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now