Random One-Shot

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A random one-shot metaphor. It's called A Pocket of Sunshine. HAVE FUN DECIPHERING THIS HEHEHHEEEE

Darkness is something that can't really be escaped. It's inevitable, ever approaching without fail. But here-wherever here is-darkness is all that resides. But legends of old have mentioned of a little place, hidden away from the world, where there's light.

It's bright, an explosion of vibrant color, yellow, orange, red, all merging together with a tender glow. A contrast to the normal dark, which is black with the occasional blue or gray mixed in among it.

Everybody wonders where the darkness ever came from. They also wonder why, how, and when. Old books have mentioned something called a sun, and something called a moon, something bright to balance the dark.

Moonlight and Sunshine are foreign concepts, but they're concepts that intrigue me to the highest degree. I want to see it, feel it on my skin, and touch it, fill my vision with it. But alas, it does not happen. My wish in life is to find this hidden place, which I have so called the Pocket of Sunshine.

High in the cliffs that continue to be battered by the salty sea, low in the cavern depths that are littered with crystals that can only shine if light hits it, I search and I search and I search.

But there's nothing.

What amazes me is when others never even mention it. Is their vision not also clouded by the eternal darkness? Is their skin not also so cold from blackness wrapping its cold, brittle fingers around them?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.

I've asked about it, and everyone always says that light is everywhere. But I see none. Am I being cheated by God? Does he hide the light from me, and give it only to those who do not share my exact characteristics?

Then, I figured it out.

The dark curtain is pushed aside, and I feel free. I'm floating in a dream, and eyes a burst of light. I reach out, and it envelops me in its warmth. I find those I haven't seen in such a long time, dancing around in meadows with sunlight reflecting off of dewdrops.

And now I reside in the Pocket of Sunshine, never seen again in the world where all there was for me was dark.

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