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Google Translate Songs (this idea is from Tru_Determination btw go love her)
Song: The Lost One's Weeping


Lost One's Weeping (English Cover)【JubyPhonic】ロストワンの号哭

Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife

Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn't take the love I had, so weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know
...is nonfiction
So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I'm terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple "right or wrong"
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false
And today
This homework
About me
A blank sheet
Content with
This life I will now live
'Til I think why are we
just sometimes no always
Saying how we're sad and
Saying how we're lonely?
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid's lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It's not like I care now
Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime
And again hypnotically swimming through time
Behind the power and guards I put up
I hide
Knowing they had long died
From problems
My resolve
Just can't solve
That homework
Content with
This life I will now live
'Til I think and he speaks
That demon inside us
Saying "let me just leave"
Saying "someone kill me!"
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid's lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?
Hey just tell me how
Hey just tell me how!
Can you even say the formula of area now?
Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out?
Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die?
Hey, who could it be?
No, it's gotta be...
Just open up your eyes, why don't you grow up and see?
But what the hell is "growing up" and tell me when will I be?
Can a single person out there just explain it to me?
Hey, just tell me how
It's not like I care now!

To Japanese, danish, Latin, then English


This was felt the sword of sorrow, cutting me, I felt a raise, he thought, and I could not deny that I had just hit. But the shape of the armor, it is only the knowledge of the harm he has grown strong well know, is not a fiction ... Math But I am afraid, would I not know my English is terrible in this place, "rightly or wrongly" I feel that I have chosen this day, live the life of me, this is false and empty content Congue "What do you say, why we are not, the file is written to be as clearly as possible, so it is not necessary to read the sad? the mind of a child, the child was yet to read the child was dead, you are able to see with the mind is lost, or rather, who had any black Hey, who can bear? Hey, who shall be able to solve the issues with the credence table, however, can prevent to tell me? the devil, as long as I will say to him, "I beg you to wait for a minute," and "to kill me." Have you lost the file and read in the imagination as clearly as possible you can find it that thou hast a mind you are able to see the child was baptized with his baby Hey, who could endure to black? Hey, me, who may, however, to pay, and thy going out, the abacus? do we really want to hang with a rope in the neck, you will be able to prevent that will I speak? Tell me, I pray thee, a little while, and I will tell me, can you say, It is still, however, a small amount of the formula of the threshing-floor? you can dream, that I held, and have sworn Hey, who is it just in hopes of the day, those who can not, open your eyes ... just, why do not you look away from the Church grow? But what do I say to you, in the land of "growing" a little one not remember it now explains it to me? Tell me,

Basically you get song lyrics and put it into google translate, then put it through multiple languages and once you think the song is messed up enough, voila. WHAT DID I DO TO THIS POOR SONG ;n;

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