run barry, run

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he was getting his ass handed to him, granted this was his first time being a superhero. you weren't exactly paying attention to what dr. wells was saying, until it dawned on you... barry, needed a push to go faster, so you spoke before wells could finish.

"barry, it's (y/n), listen, all you have to do is listen to me... can you do that, for me?" you asked, and it was quiet except for the rustling you could hear.

"yeah... yeah, anything for you." he answered back breathlessly.

"alright, well... think of what happens if you don't stop him, he gets into the city and we can't stop him, you're the only one fast enough to do it... you're the only one capable... please barry." you said and now all you could do was hope, that he was safe and won.

it was minutes later when your hair blew forward by wind, and you immediately turned around and saw him standing there in his suit. you were out of your chair and in his arms, tugging his cowl down and pressing your mouth against his.

he gripped your hips gently, hands clumsy as always, and you smiled into the kiss.

"you're okay?" you asked him after pulling away, you noticed his bottom lip was busted, but that's kind of all you could see.

"my back is killing me, but from what i've learned i'll be healed soon." he answered you and you couldn't help the smile on your face.


"perfect, now let me get changed cause i'm starving." barry said and then just like that he changed clothes and you were both walking out of s.t.a.r. labs, hand in hand.

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