Born to be dauntless

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Chapter 3 Dauntless headquarters

I glanced over at Sarah as I walked down the steps toward the dauntless section . She smiled and nodded and I knew . She had already known I was going to pick dauntless ... I nodded and gasped as I saw the dauntless start to run to the train tracks . I took off at full speed and ran into a brunette girl who gave me a hard shove . I screamed and fell to the ground scrapping my knee blood flowing out onto the dirt . "Hey are you ok ?" I heard a boys voice ask . I looked up into bright sea blue eyes and blonde hair falling into the blue eyes . A Amity recruit was helping me up and pulling me towards the train which was roaring towards us "What do we do ?!" A small girl with red hair asked . "Jump ." I said as I took the boys arm pulling him with me as I jumped onto the moving train . As I scrambled onto the train a pale hand pulling me and the boy who was clinging to my arm tightly . "T-thanks." I said collapsing . I looked up at the girl who was also from Candor it was a wonder I didn't know her . She had long curly blonde hair "Welcome . I'm Stacy ." She smiled . I nodded and looked at the boy who was wiping sweat from his forehead "Thanks .. For coming back to help me .. I'm Leslie ." He smiled and shook his blonde hair out of his eyes "Noah . And thanks for pulling me up ." Stacy smiled at us "So Noah what faction are you from ?" I asked even though I already knew . "Oh Amity ." He gestured to his yellow shirt and red jeans . I nodded "Candor ." I said looking off into the trees passing . A born dauntless stood up she had short black hair with blonde highlights . She jumped off the train landing on a roof as others followed "Are we supposed to jump ?!" Stacy squealed looking down at her blue skirt and blouse . "Look Stacy we can do this . Together ?" I held out my tan hand . She smiled and stood grabbing my hand I looked back at Noah . He shook his head no . "I'm ok ." I smirked and pulled Stacy forward feeling her grip tighten as we rushed towards the roof . The air in my hair felt good and I barely noticed my feet landing hard on the roof . Stacy screamed as she clung to the shingles . I looked around as Noah landed gracefully . "NOAH !!" I yelled he turned looking alarmed . I ran to Stacy pulling her up . He was there suddenly helping me and soon Stacy was in my arms crying . "It's ok Stacy ." I said breathless . "Are we supposed to jump down there ?" Asked a dauntless born . I stepped to the front Stacy and Noah following . The brunette about to jump I pushed her into a few Erudite boys and jumped first before I could even think . "Klutzy Leslie went first no wonder she's a walking disaster ." I heard someone sneer . I screamed as the darkness came rushing towards me . And suddenly I was bouncing on a net cheers erupting from below me hands appearing . I took the hand closest to me and jumped to the ground . "SEND THE NEXT ONE ." I heard the guy yell. I looked into his face and gasped "Four ?!" I said my brown eyes going wide . "Leslie ?! What are you doing here ?!" He whispered as someone dropped into the net . "Leslie ?!" I heard Stacy call climbing out of the net . "Over here Stacy ." I said staring at Four who had only hours before told me I was Divergent . I heard a male scream as Noah dropped into the net . "Oh my god. That was horrible ." Said Stacy looking around . Noah stepped in front of me blocking out Four . "Leslie ?!" He shook my shoulders as the rest of the recruits came dropping in . "Yeah ?" I said shaking my head . He was about to respond when four grabbed me and held up my arm "What's your name ?" He asked "What you already know but Leslie ."
"Are you sure ?"
"Yes." He looked around "Our first Jumper Leslie Adams." There were cheers and someone patted me on the back . The brunette girl glared at me "That was my jump Klutz !" She hissed . It was dark so I couldn't really see her but I shot back "Well maybe instead of showing off you should of jumped ." I heard a laugh and Stacy and Noah were next to me . We were moving now in a pack 14 Recruits . "I am Four your Instructor .I would like to congratulate you all for making it here .. alive."

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