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-=-=-=-= Calum =-=-=-=-

"Its okey. I think I know what happened. I can help you?"

"I'm insane. I'm crazy. Great. Now I'm hearing fucking voices in my fucking head. For Fucks Sake." Michael sat in a pool of blood in his bathroom sobbing. He stared down at his wrists and began to cry more. His cries ran round Calum's head. 

"Who are you? What's your name?" Calum asked tentatively.

"Michael. What the fuck?! Not only am I hearing voices but I'm responding to them holy shit i've gone insane"

"I can hear you, you know?" calum said in disbelief "Wait. Michael? You're a guy?"

"Erm well yes? I guess judging by the thing between my legs..."

"Oh well same... I'm Calum. Calum Hood"

"Michael Clifford. And erm... Who the fuck are you?"

"Apparently, your soulmate" 

"My soulmate? I'm not gay?" michael said in shock

"Well surprise! I didn't think I was either but then my mum explained this government thing with microchips and eyes and -"



"Slow the fuck down"

"Oh lol okey" calum giggled.

"Mikey? Where's that from?"

"I don't know, you called me Cal so i called you Mikey"

"Oh... I like it. It's cute"

"As do I, sugar"

Soul Mates | Malum A.U.Where stories live. Discover now