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*calums pov*

i awoke from the nightmare, the pain was still there, shooting down my spine and over my bum. i wondered what had happened to me last night. i stayed up for most of the night crying, shaking thinking about the previous events. why me? what the fuck happened?

"cal, your breakfast is ready" great. i have to move, i hissed as i sat up and swivelled to the edge of my bed placing my feet on the cold oak wood floor. as i stumbled to the door my head was spinning. i was in pure agony. 

i made it down stairs as my mother stood there, in shock as she stared into my eyes. "david!" my mum yelled. "mum what the hell?" "what happened cal? are you ok? it happened didn't it?" "what?! what do you mean?" just as my father entered the room, he too stared also seemingly knowing what had happened.

"cal?" my father spoke gently, it was strange, id never heard him speak like that. my parents sat with me at the dining room table. "what happened last night cal?" my mother spoke softly too. they was aware of something, i just didn't know what.

"w-what do you mean?" my father took a deep breath. "cal, this is natural." "what is? what is going on?" i was becoming more and more agitated as time went on "my mother pointed to the large mirror that was on our dining room wall. i stared for what seemed like an eternity. then i realised. my eyes. what was a dark hazel had changed to a deep purple over night. a tear slipped from my right eye. what was happening to me?

my father began to speak, "when you get older, you will have to marry someone, its the government, they force it upon you. to ensure that everyone gets married, at the hospital after you're born you're microchipped. you and another person have matching microchips. that person is called your soul mate. the microchip works as follows, when your soul mate is in trouble or pain, they will go purple, when you have met them they will go an ordinary colour, blue, green, brown and so on... theres one colour that me or your mother have never experienced... yellow."

"microchips?" i stared at my father in shock. "purple. dad! who ever it is, is in trouble! i know it! i felt it!" "what did you feel, son?" my mother became confused and her curiosity was shown on her face. "i-" i was nervous? what was this feeling? "i felt something weird mum... like a sharp pain in my back, then it went down to my erm-" "its ok son, you don't need to continue" my father knew exactly what had happened and sadly, i think i did too. "what happened to your wrist?" i looked down seeing a line. "i-i-i don't know?" another one appeared, this time thicker." my eyes began to water again. "your soul mate is in alot of pain cal. you have to find them and help them!".

"fuck you, you're so thick! you could've stopped him you idiot. you're weak, no wonder nobody likes you, you're a weak little boy, slice, slice, fucking SLICE. YOU DESERVE IT! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!". i screamed. "cal?" my mother tried to comfort me "GET AWAY FROM ME! MAKE IT STOP MUM, MAKE IT STOP!" "what baby, what needs to stop?" "THE VOICES MUM! MAKE THEM STOP!" "cal..." i sobbed, shaking. "its your soulmate, talk to them" i yelled in anger? i don't even know why, im a fool. i ran to my room locking the door and jumping onto my bed. i looked down and even more lines had appeared. "what the fuck is happening to me?" i thought. 

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