9. The Legend of Lady Charis (End)

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The dull and heavy sound of a club against a skull is not one I'm likely to ever forget. Nor is this night.

It was four sword-wielding bandits that had overset us, taking the carriage horses and whatever valuables they could find. After taunting Gavriel about the loss of his 'fairest treasure,' I was bound by rope and placed with the largest man.

Gavriel begged, pleaded, and tried to fight, but they soon threatened the base of my neck with a shiny blade, and so we left him, fuming and helpless by a horseless cart.

We rode east to a hillside dotted with exposed rocky crags. Rugged outcroppings that I quickly learned were home to a series of caves; one of which, small and dark, became my makeshift prison. At least one guard stood outside the entrance.

Although I could not see the rest of the men to know their total number, I heard whoops and hollars about the division of spoils from what sounded like more than one raid that day.

For some time, I had the same presence of mind a corpse would and I sat as stiff as one as well. I have never fainted, but I was horrifically close. My cloak was far too thin to ward off the chill and the sinking sun mirrored my heart's plummeting hope at release. I huddled and shook violently, worrying of my fate.

Perhaps an hour later I heard voices—voices laden with copious amounts of ale, voices getting closer. One of them had agreed to keep watch over the cave and I heard the telltale click of other boots retreating.

"Well, it's been a long time, little miss Charis."

A red head poked through the entrance. I started, scooting myself further back into the cave.

"Farmer Benru!"

It was the man who claimed Gavriel had something to do with the death of his wife!

"Your huthband took my kids, you know." His words slurred, his steps unsure.

No, I did not know. Fright robbed me of any ability to reply.

Oh! The kids!

"He wath going to put me in prison too, but I ethcaped his men. Funny thing this is, you 'ere tonight. I wath justh wonderin' how I could get back at Vane." He spat the last word, stumbling precariously over uneven ground.

I would not fool myself any longer on the character of my husband. If Lord Vane went to such great lengths with this man, then he most certainly had a reason.

The cave was not big enough to run very far away, but I fled on knees as far as I could go, failing at keeping my rapid and frantic breathing in check. Hiding while heaving desperately for air was impossible.

It was midnight black in the back of the cave, and as I climbed around, one hand connected with something rigid and moveable. I felt the length of it and took it into my hands, heart pumping madly with relief once I knew it for what it was.

"I suppose if I touch you, he won't want you no more." Benru's voice was quiet, calculating, and just above me.

I stood then and stepped away from the wall enough to swing with all my strength. He fell hard and flat like a tossed sack of flour.

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