Chapter 5

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I went to my mum and asked her who it was who was writing the clues but she said that she couldn't tell me as it was all part of the surprise. So I sighed and turned around to look at my friends and asked them if we should run to the old fishing hut that wasn't far from the field and they said yes right now I hate surprises and not knowing what everyone else around me knows but oh well I'm sure it will all make sense in the end. About 5 minutes later we could see the old fishing hut in the distance so we waited for the adults to catch up with the kids, while we just sat down on our coats waiting talking about what the surprise could be, Sara said about it being my cousin Sarah coming back from Australia to see me but that's impossible as I spoke to her on Skype yesterday and she was in Ozzie still and it takes a while to get back to England doesn't it? The only way that's possible is if they were already in England when they Skyped me but I'm sure it was from her house in Australia, but what if it wasn't? After a while we finished the conversation about the possibilities of the surprise and the adults and kids were now with us and we walked to the old fishing hut to search for the next clue. We searched high and low for the clue but couldn't find it anywhere. Then we had an idea the wooden post as you go past the fishing hut. There hanging around the wooden post was clue number four so I called all the family over and told them what it said, it said 'Hollie you have reached your fourth clue, congratulations, we know we said your last clue was your second to last one but we were joking, but now this is your second to last clue for real you are getting closer to finding out who is writing these clues, your fifth clue is near a place where you used to go to chill out and is not very loud.' Well that's weird it says 'where I used to go to chill out' but the only place i chill out is near Sarah's old house that she had hear over England before she moved so Sara could right it could be my cousin Sarah and her boyfriend Adam omg I hope Sara is right I want to see my 5 month old baby cousin Quinn and have cuddles and finally meet her. Well I know where this clue is on about as I used to go there all the time to chill out as its quiet I even have a secret den that only my family know about near there well I'm running I don't care anymore I could be getting reunited with my cousin and meeting my new cousin very shortly and I can't wait to see what happens later on when I find out who's been writing my clues and who or what the surprise is and if it is actually my cousin back from Australia to come and visit us all it would mean so much to me! The only problem is it's too far to walk from the old fishing hut so we are going to have to walk all the way back and get into the my mums big brother like car with the mysterious small black microphone or camera thing or whatever it was but right now I was too excited to even care!

Hi guys I know I haven't updated this in a while and I'm very sorry and btw this was rite at 00:00 so I'm tired therefore yet here might be mistakes if there is any let me know and will go back through and correct them please comment and vote as it would mean a lot and I will be updating this more often now as I feel like I'm now getting somewhere with it so expect another update before the new year but after Christmas love y'all
Hollie 💙❤️💚💛

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