Chapter 7

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Not Sarah and Adam at all but bars and melody, I mean I love them and all but what are they doing in MY back garden on my dancing stage. Before I knew it I was screaming and crying, they came over and hugged me and made sure that I was okay before they explained everything,
(L- Leo C-Charlie H-Hollie)
L- so Hollie them small black things in your mams car were microphones and cameras, me and Charlie and some others have been watching and listening to your every word and move, how do ya feel?
H- creeped out and shocked, why would you want to listen and watch my every move?.
L- that my friend will be revealed later on.
C- anyway when you left me Leo and few others came to your house and looked around before looking in the cameras on our phones to see where abouts you were before coming to your garden and waiting for you to arrive.
H- okayyyyy I get why you had cameras but why did you need the microphones and who is a 'few others' because there is only you and Leo here apart from s few family members who must of helped you out or something.
L- when we give you your last clue you know who some of the others are but then you've got to play a game of hide and seek to find the others because we are big kids okay? And we just wanted the microphones for our own entertainment really incase you said something funny.
H- okay I get it all now so will you read me my last clue so I can start to solve the puzzle or whatever you want to call it.
L-patients princess all good things come to those who wait.
C-so Hollie your final clue says, 'you go here when your tired and when you want to watch a movie, you go here to be comfy but also when you want to lose it'
H-that's really easy, my bedroom see yas in a bit unless your coming with me.
(End of conversation)
I ran up the stairs and straight into my room searched everywhere, in my wardrobe, under my bed, in my attached bathroom and even in my drawers but there was nothing at all not even a a sign that somebody had been here. I sat on my bed and thought for a while, where do I go when I want to sleep? Where do I go to watch a movie? Where do I go to be comfy? Where do I go when I'm going to loose it?....... My mums room? The only reason I go in there is because she has a bigger TV so it's better to watch my movies on. I made my way to my mums room and sat on the bed where to look first? Under the bed.... Nope nothing there. In her wardrobe..... Nope nothing there. In her drawers..... Nope nothing their either, in her attached bathroom, I walked in and saw a bit of paper I picked it up but it was only a bit of a reseat from boots something about juicy couture perfume, well that's got nothing to do with my surprise or whatever so I put it on the side and went back into my mums room to think, where else on the house do I go when I'm tired, to be comfy, to watch a movie or when I'm going to loose it, well in going to loose it in a min because this seriously isn't funny anymore. Then I got it, the home cinema in the loft, I go back to my room to get the hook to pull the hatch down and go to hatch near the bathroom and hook it and pull it down I then grab the rope hanging from the stairs and drag them down, I climb up the stairs and poke my head up and look around OMG is that .... No it can't be Hollie your just seeing things it's all a dream close your eyes and open them again and then will be gone I closed my eyes and reopened them and they were gone i turned around and climbed up the stairs when I got to too and had a look around I saw nothing, I turned around and screamed, out of shock, surprise and terror as I saw four boys faces staring straight at me, I pinched myself and screamed in pain. They were definitely here, in my house but why? It's only my birthday. It's nothing special. When I had got myself together I looked at them properly and said their names as if I was dreaming. Aston Iain merrygold? Oritsé Williams? Marvin James humes? Jonathan 'JB' Gill? And then it hit me. JLS, THE JLS were in MY house ahhhh omg as if the JLS ARE IN MY HOUSE! I could feel myself falling to the ground slowly but surely as if I was falling in slow motion all my vision was blurry and then it all went black I couldn't see a thing... What happened to me? Had I fainted? Probably from shock, maybe my body went into overdrive... Then I woke up in my own bed, I sat up and looked around me I saw Leo at the bottom of my bed and asked him what happened to me and he told me that I had fainted from the shock and that JLS were downstairs and to go down when I was ready. I was too excited to meet them properly so I decided against staying in my lovely warm comfy bed and go downstairs and socialise with my family mainly because my idols were down there but I won't tell them that. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I took a deep breath and opened the living room door and walked in to everyone asking if I was okay I told them I was fine and went to sit with bars and melody, I just kept staring at Aston so he told me to go to him he sat me on his knee and I just smiled and cuddled into his chest, then Marvin got up and said he needed to speak to everyone but mainly me so I sat up and looked at him and he told me who had been writing the clues and I was so shocked when I found out who had wrote them as I really wasn't expecting them to have written me the clues and buy me the horse I mean, they have enough money and all but I just didn't think I was worth it but it turns out I am this day couldn't get any better at all!!

So who has been writing the clues and bought her the horse? Comment what you think of this chapter and I will update as soon as I can
~ Hollie💙❤️💚💛

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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