Ch.1 1-10 things to do before you die.

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Ok so this is 10 things if I have already done them I will put a *

Enjoy (:


1. Go to another country.

2. Learn a hobby that you are interested in. * I learnt roller skating

3. Do a good deed like helping someone walk their dog, carry someone's groceries for them, go to a park and pick up rubbish (it helps the environment too ), volunteer at a local car wash etc. the list goes on.*

4. Go skiing. * it's so fun.

5. Play music in a park or near a café.

6. Donate money to a charity.

7. Go on a flying fox like not a little kids one a actual flying fox. *went on one yesterday with my friend.

8. Meet someone famous. * Jai Waetford and Taylor Henderson on 23 dec 2013. Troye sivan 2016

9. Go paint balling.

10. Prank a friend.*


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